Saturday, September 25, 2010

You're Invited To A Baby Shower...

A virtual blogging baby shower that is. I became blogging friends with Zlaty last year. She joined a few of my fabric swaps and has always been there for me with a kind word on every one of my posts.

I know a lot of you know her through her wonderful blog Zlaty Sews. Well, she recently announced on her blog on this post that she and her husband are expecting their first baby in January...and it's a girl !!! Woo Hoo!

I was thinking, wouldn't it be fun if we had a Blogging Baby Shower for her! I've never done this before, but I was thinking we could:
  • make, create or share something with Zlaty for the baby
  • maybe knit a pair of booties or blanket, sew a little quilt or wall hanging or buy a cute little baby frame or how about those onesies, boy do babies go through those!...just something small to share with the new baby.
  • she is due in late January, so we have plenty of time to make something
  • I will have a reminders in the months to come
  • in Zlaty's family, the tradition is to have the baby shower after the baby is born, so I will send everyone who wants to make something for Zlaty the address where to send it, probably in February.
I have spoken to Zlaty about this idea already, so it's not a surprise. I just think it will be so much fun to get little packages in the mail from all her blogging friends during that special time.

If you'd like to come to a Blogging Baby Shower, just leave a comment here. Hope you can join in the fun. Maybe we'll have a few baby tutorial posts along the way.

Thanks in advance for joining in on the fun,


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Added A Few Things To My Sewing Room...

The title of this post should have been...

How To Fit 2 Pounds of Crap in a 1 Pound Bag!
(psst...there's also a reality check photo at the end)
This first picture was when I first moved into my sewing room last year. Click link for last years post.
This is my sewing room that's a lot of crap, oh sorry "stuff".
I changed the blue accents to red and added some more furniture.
You may remember some of these ideas from an earlier post,
but I'll share again for new comers. This is my cutting table.

I painted an old mug tree for all my scissors and rotary blades.

I use a plate rack to hold all my quilting rulers.

This is a BEFORE of the blue boxes of "stuff".

This is today with the boxes covered in black and white polka dot.

Everything is labeled and filled with "can't live without" stuff. lol
I know you have that stuff too!

Here's a before of the blue boxes.

Now cute in black and white.

and filled with computer ink.

Remember I used pipe straps for the handles. So cheap by the bag!

They just screw into the box.

Don't forget...all the boxes are from cases of water.

This is the before of the supply cabinet.

This is today with a touch of red and some Tool Time Tuesday projects.
Click link for all TTT projects
See I really do use those ideas!

Love my label maker!

The before of the wall unit...

And today with a few more red things.

Painted my Sew Many Ways...

and added some plastic popcorn bins to hold scrap fabric in the same style.
Like 1930's in one, civil war in another, Moda in another.

Here's my desk. Moved it from the other side of the room and covered the blue cork boards.

You've seen this chair in a current post.
This is the best addition so far.
Everyone, especially my hubby, comes in and visits in this chair.

Next to the chair and on the back side of my cutting table
is an old sofa table that I painted black...what else!
This is my mailing center.

I mounted a curtain rod to hold paper and all the tape.
Perfect scale to weigh the packages too.

This is a price chart for postage all over the world.

An old leather brief case holds all my boxes and envelopes.
The cans hold packing peanuts and bubble wrap.

The third table is a crafting table...gluing, painting and all the messy stuff.
That's Hallie the cat sneaking around under there.
She's actually carrying a packing peanut around in her mouth.

Here's a old antique school desk for my GO cutter.

and here's my new desk that I just posted about yesterday.

I have a little tip for you. When you are sewing and need to iron as you sew,
lower your ironing board to your chair won't have to get up!
A lowered ironing board also helps to hold the weight of your quilt as you are machine quilting.

Here are the last 2 pictures of my room a few weeks ago. My "keeping it real" photos!
I may be organized, label every thing and have every thing in it's place,
but when I'm working on several projects at the same room looks like THIS!!

Holy Mackerel...what a dump. I won't even try to explain myself on this mess.
I do think I need a new philosophy though.
This is my new motto

I think I'm really going to try to act on this new concept of finishing something, now that I have a nice clean sewing room to start out with.

We'll see how that goes (wink wink)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tool Time Tuesday...New Sewing Table

Tool Time Riddle...
What do you get when you cross a

Hollow core door with...

wire and some...

Dryer vent tape?

Well, a new sewing desk of course!

My sister gave me these 2 side tables a while ago. Thanks Colleen!

They've been in different rooms throughout the house...
now they're in my sewing room. They were different heights, so I removed the legs from one and the base from the other.

I gave them a fresh coat of black paint. I officially hate painting.
My theory is, if you don't see it...I don't paint it!

I added some left over stainless steel knobs that I had.

The 2 drawer pulls were an odd size that I didn't have.
I improvised with some wire.

To make your own drawer pulls, just take heavy duty wire, a rod or dowel and wire cutters.

Wrap the wire around the rod until your desired length.

Slide off, but leave the 2 ends long enough to thread through the holes in the drawer.

Insert through the front and twist off the ends inside the drawer.
Wrap the ends with duct tape if you need to.

Very easy...

and cute. Kind of looks like it's smiling at me!

Here's the other base. Put them all together and you have a...

brand new desk. You could always use 2 filing cabinets for the supports too.

See that edge? I wanted to use something different to cover it.
I bought wooden trim, but decided to return it.
I was going to use yard sticks, but didn't have enough that matched.

This one I really brainstormed over.
I walked all over the house, in the basement, my husband workshop...
looking at this and fiddling with that.

Until I found this! Ahhhh (insert angelic singing voice)
This little wonder is dryer vent tape!

You know that silver tubing that sticks out from the back of your dryer?
Well, this is the tape that you wrap around it.

Since it's Tuesday...we won't be fixing dryers any time soon.
Just peel and stick. It wrinkles easily, so work carefully!

Smooths out pretty well.
Some spots I should do over, but it's just my sewing table!

Isn't she pretty?

I actually put a clear coat of polyurethane on the other side.
I didn't like the color once it dried, so I left it natural.

Here are a few tips for things on top.

That white thing with the scissors in it is a tooth brush holder.
I bought that for the girl's bathroom.
I hated it...and I'm a dental hygienist. How could I hate a tooth brush holder?
The brushes kept slipping off the bottom plate and sliding out of the holder.
Great for my scissors now!!

That holder off to the left is from the office supply store.
It would hold your papers if you were typing something on the computer.
Well, for me it keeps my quilt or sewing pattern up off the table and easy to read!

How about an antique tool box to hold your thread.
I have 2 of the wall mount thread racks, but I don't have any wall space.

This desk only cost $20.00 and that was for the door.
The side tables were hand me downs, the paint I already had from painting the front door, the knobs were from another project and the wire and silver tape I stole (oops) borrowed from my hubby.

Now that you are armed with the tools to make your own desk, I'm sure you could find things that could work for you. How about:
  • 2 filing cabinets
  • 2 saw horses
  • planks of wood attached together
  • pre made and pre sized Formica counters. They sell them at Home Depot or Lowe's
  • an old kitchen table cut down to the perfect height. My sewing table is 24 inches high. It's the perfect height for me and great on my back and neck. I'm only 5' 2" and 3/4. (had to add the 3/4"...I couldn't round up to 3 inches, because it's just not there)!!

No matter where you sew, make sure it's good for your back and neck.

Have a wonderful Tuesday,

Wisata Danau Toba - Sumatera Utara

Danau Toba adalah salah satu destinasi wisata alam terbesar di Indonesia dan terletak di Sumatera Utara. Ini adalah danau vulkanik terbesar ...