Welcome to another addition of Make A Gift On The 25th Club. Read the original Club post by clicking here. In short, this club is to help all of us who are proCRAFTinators and end up making gifts on Christmas Eve. Well, no more!!
If you've joined the club since July 25th, you should have made a few gifts so far. However, there is still plenty of time to squeeze in some crafting time and get a few gifts made.
I've done two posts and tutorials for helpful ideas...
Click here for the July 25th tutorial for sewing an endless scarf
Click here for the August 25th tutorial for the cell phone key chain case
Click here to learn how to add the button found on the right side bar.
Here is September's tutorial...a Bread Wrap and Warmer. These are perfect for just about anyone on your gift list. Great idea for teachers, neighbors, friends or those gifts you have tuck away for those unexpected guests. Super fast to make up too. Great to add a loaf of homemade bread and jar of jam too!
- 2 place mats
- ribbon
- uncooked rice
I'm using the striped side of this place mat for the outside.
Cut 6 pieces of ribbon 8-10 inches long.
Pin 3 pieces of ribbon on the wrong side of place mat, spaced evenly on each of the long sides.
Sew in place. Don't forget to turn under the raw edge so the ribbon doesn't fray.
Stitch back and forth a few times to secure.
When all 6 are sewn on the place mat...the bread wrap is done!! See, I told you it was fast.
Now to make the warmer. This is a long, thin pillow with a little bit of uncooked rice inside. When you microwave it for a few seconds, it will keep the bread warm during dinner.
The second place mat will be used for this and some rice.
Fold up one long edge of the place mat so you have about 4 inches folded up.
Trim off any edges to have a straight edge on all sides.
I'm using the striped side, so fold right sides together.
Sew down the long side and one short side with a 1/4 inch seam, leaving the other short side open.
Turn right side out.
Now fill with the uncooked rice. Don't fill it all the way. Just enough to have a flat layer on the bottom of the pillow.
Roll up a piece of paper or use a funnel to pour the rice in.
Turn in the raw edge and pin.
Top stitch the opening closed.
Now it's all set to be tucked inside, waiting for a yummy loaf of bread.
Microwave the pillow for 10-15 seconds at a time until desired temperature. Place in the middle of the bread wrap, stack with bread and...
Tie it up!!
The bread wrap is great to hold the bread with while cutting.
and the bread stays warm waiting for the next slice to be cut!
This is an easy one and can be made up very quickly. Look for place mats in the clearance rack too. These place mats were 75 cents. A great gift for $1.50 a little ribbon and some rice!
Don't forget to visits today's Sew Darn Crafty linking party and add your link. Both posts fell on this Sunday, so I did 2 posts in a row.
Happy 25th,