A grumpy mood can pass through as swiftly as the wind, or check-in for extended stays inside your mind. While often overlooked, food can often be the sneaky culprit behind your disavowing disposition. It’s important to eat the right healthy foods for happiness and stability in your life.
The fact is, your mood can be directly influenced by the foods you eat. For instance, did you know that foods like potato chips and margarine can actually prevent you from achieving your own personal awesomeness? The difference between mood-elevating foods and the foods that can start a psychological slide seem to be based on essential ingredients like D and B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and even tryptophan.
Eat these 5 healthy foods for happiness to fill up and feel good!
1. Bananas:bananas-healthy-happy-food
Bananas are high in calming B vitamins. The level of vitamin B6 in Bananas can smooth your mood naturally through the regulation of your blood glucose levels. The potassium in them will help to maintain a steady heartbeat as well.
Bananas are even great for morning sickness! If you’re feeling nauseous when you roll out of bed, incorporate snacking on bananas between meals to keep your glucose levels normalized.
2. Blueberries:
Blueberries carry energy to the brain, providing you with a heightened sense of awareness and vigor.
Blueberries do more than energize, however – they also relax! Your arteries actually relax once the nitric oxide provided by blueberries enters the body.
3. Cherries:cherries-healthy-happy-food
Cherries can be considered a natural remedy source for sleeplessness. Tart cherries help to boost the brain chemical, serotonin, that regulates your sleep and mood. Tart cherries also contain the self-regulating hormone, melatonin.
4. Green Tea
Digreen-tea-healthy-food-happyd you know that green-tea habit can take the blues away? Green tea may be your golden ticket to feeling free and clear once again. A study of over 1,000 Japanese senior citizens showed that those who drank 4 or more cups of green tea daily showed less signs of depression (44%).
What makes green tea a magical elixir you might ask? According to researchers, an amino acid found in green tea called theanine might play a role.
(Fact source) Green tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly. Niu, K. et al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009 Dec;90(6):1615-1622.
5. Chocolate
Last but not least is that soothing sense of serenity that covers you with every bite of chocolate.chocolate-improve-mood
Why do you feel oh-so-good after eating a piece (or two) of chocolate? As soon as you take that first beautiful bite, your brain’s opioid production goes through the roof! (Opioids are chemicals responsible for reducing pain, increasing good feelings, and just making you feel warm and fuzzy all over.) Chocolate doesn’t have to be bad for you either – you can use dark chocolate, or cacao, which is chocolate in its raw form.
Are these foods in your home? If not, maybe it’s time to fill your fridge with these healthy foods for happiness and start satisfying your happiness along with your hunger!
Fill your fridge with these healthy foods for happiness and start satisfying more than just your hunger!
Friday, December 26, 2014
Cleaning Your Home and Mind
A new spring brings with it the beautiful song of nature’s awakening. Budding vegetation sprouts from the earth, the sun prolongs its daily visit, and nature shares a small preview of the infinite source of abundance available.
As the Earth begins a new cycle, we as humans also share this ritual of renewal. But to make room for new growth, the collection of seasons past must be released. “Spring cleaning”, as we’ve come to know it, can be a positive and truly cleansing experience – not only for the home, but the soul.
“Keep your own house and its surroundings pure and clean. This hygiene will keep you healthy and benefit your worldly life.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Cleansing the home
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with material items in your home?
If so, it’s time to cleanse. The release of clutter at home will also relieve spring-cleaningclutter in the mind. Possessions are nice to have, but if they’re not being used functionally, they have the power to possess you and ultimately, control your life. Less is more; renewal in the home rejuvenates the mind and brings a new, clearer visualization into view.
While spring cleaning the home – declare that you’re not only cleaning your home, but also clearing your mind. Think of each area of the home being cleaned as a step toward fresh beginnings – one step closer to attaining a laser sharp focus that creates unhindered success. You can raise your own level of positive energy when cleaning as well; turn on your favorite music, sing, smile, and dance around to make these tasks far more tolerable. Chances are, you won’t even realize how much you’ve completed while doing your own cleaning cha-cha!
What if clutter isn’t ready for the trash?
There’s surely no need to add to the landfills – to follow the adage of “One person’s trash is another’s treasure” is a valuable mantra to memorize while spring cleaning. Pack up items you’d like to keep but aren’t using. If you haven’t used them in 6 months, get rid of it. Give to people you know, The Salvation Army, Goodwill, or even Freecycle. You may not realize it, but the possessions you’re giving away will come back to you as a blessing in some form. Clean the mess to surely be blessed.
Cleansing the mind
“The state of your home is a reflection of the state of your mind.”
The home isn’t the only thing that could use a good spring cleaning. There’s plenty of thoughts taking up idea seed 450precious real estate in the thriving metropolis of your mind. Think about how you can create that laser sharp focus to achieve your dreams. What negative relationships are hindering you from being your best self? What negative thoughts and beliefs could be replaced with more enlightening, positive ones? Make a declaration for positivity to fill your life and reaffirm that declaration daily. Your willpower will prove to be the judge, jury and executioner of the negative energy cluttering that cortex of yours.
Once finished, celebrate and pamper the new YOU! You’re lighter in the home as well as the mind (and probably a few dollars richer from the things you didn’t need.), so why not turn that clutter into comfort? Celebrate who you are, how far you’ve come, and where you are going. Treat yourself to a pedicure, massage, or whatever else makes you feel good – you deserve it!
New home, new habits, new YOU!
From here on out, continue to love yourself fully – keep the dust bunnies of negativity at bay and get ready for new beginnings and opportunities to come. Give yourself the time YOU need to clear your mind, whether it be through yoga, taking a walk, exercising, painting, or just reading a book – you deserve to take as much care of yourself as everything and everyone around you. Without serving yourself, you can not truly serve others.
Go with the Flow
Flow-ers effortlessly reach toward the sun, clouds lightly float across the sky and the tides continue to work like clockwork as they have since the beginning of recorded time.
We’ve all had days in life when things couldn't get any further off track. A friend or companion reassures us that everything will be fine, all we need to do is relax and ” go with the flow ”. Like we haven’t heard that one before, and in some way, ‘going with the flow’ is going to solve our problems.
Actually, it does.
You might not think about it immediately after that caring companion brings you back to life with those rejuvenating words of wisdom, but you still end up asking yourself, “What exactly is this ‘flow’? Does it mean that I have to say yes to everything? Are my personal values going to be compromised by going with it? What if I don’t feel I should always go with the flow?” Don’t contemplate this too long; you will be going against it!
Imagine the flow as creation. Flow-ers effortlessly reach toward the sun, clouds lightly float across the sky and the tides continue to work like clockwork as they have since the beginning of recorded time. You and I are a part of this universal masterpiece. As Human Beings, we are becoming increasingly aware that everything in creation has come from one universal source of energy. This source of energy is fueled by what I have come to know as The Now. The now is the present moment in which we are. It is happening with you as it is with me, and the true beauty of it is that it always occurring.
How can one determine whether their ‘flow’ is a raging river or a babbling brook when in the Now? Our thoughts, words and actions in the present moment ultimately shape us as individuals. When something happens, it is essential to keep a positive mindset no matter what the situation. Think of it as part of that natural process that leads us directly to where we are now. A negative mindset is only going to give resistance to the flow of energy that which we are.
My wish is for the world to display our energy as strongly as we can in the Now. Blessings to everyone as we go with the flow – after all, there is no better moment to live than the current!
Fly Through Life First Class
Life is a spiritual journey, and we are all Spirit-travellers.
Our journey begins when we are born and life unfolds in front of us through our experiences. We all have the same destination – the return to source; that is, we all want to attain the Salvation peak of the soul. What makes life unique is how we arrive at our destination.
An “airplane metaphor” is the best way to explain life’s journey. We have the choice of how to fly to a certain city, state, or country. No matter which class we choose, we will reach the same destination. Flying first class is always more comfortable, but not everyone can afford it. The good news with life is that anyone can fly first class.
The question that arises here is: Are we ready to upgrade to first class in life?
Although it may demand a lot on our part, it is really worthwhile. When one travels through fear and negativity, it goes against nature. It really prevents you from shining like the sun, and instead, you remain among the dark clouds. Living life in fear costs you a lot. It puts your personal relationships at stake, it’s a threat to your health, and attacks your creativity. It simply costs you your LIFE.
Often times, people have experienced whatever they have feared the most. This is because their focus was on the things they did not like and not on the things that they deeply cherished. Every now and then, we feel that we have to fight against the energy which is on the outside but the real fact is that the enemy is within us and we need to conquer it with love.
Travelling first class in life on the other hand, guarantees a whole package of excitement. When you are on that path, you get to meet fellow travellers of like minds – people with the same values. This confirms the amazing reasoning behind the law; like attracts like. Those generous souls are full of life and they really live out loud. The moment you make the decision to travel first class, you unlock the amazing gifts attached to it. Life will still have those peaks and valleys, but we will have to muster the courage to cross all of them with a never say die attitude, finding it easier than ever to achieve victory. You are always taken care of by the universe, sometimes in surprising ways. You will stand in awe at what life has to offer.
Upgrade your life’s journey
You will have to change your perception from head to the heart, from fear to love, from NO to a BIG YES, from negative to positive and eventually from ME to US.
It starts with positive thinking. Thoughts become things! We need allow only positive thoughts to occupy our mind as we tend to materialise those things in life. Positive thinking leads to positive actions. Life appears as a catalogue to us and we just have to flip over it and choose whatever adventure we want to experience. The most important task along the journey is the GRATITUDE PROCESS. The more grateful we are to life, the more life will amaze us. Gratitude simply attracts more of what we have and want in life. Another essential tool at our service is our visualisation ability. Life can be phenomenal, if you choose to visualise life as being heaven on earth and break all the limits.
When you choose to fly First Class, you begin to praise life as you go along, sending love and light to everyone you encounter. While you may come into contact with negative people – instead of adopting their negativity, you will spread your light, touch their hearts, and eventually make the crowd follow you. You will open your heart and the hearts of others to the abundance of available energy that surrounds us all.
What class are you travelling today?
Make a decision today to have a first class life. Avoid living as a victim and instead be the hero of your own life. Whenever you find yourself being fearful, thank it for protecting you and then release it. Notice all the first class miracles around you and if anyone asks you how it’s going? Reply with ‘FIRST CLASS!’
Fly first class and be a first class version of YOU. Reality is always what you decide it to be and it is never out of control.
Longevity Secret
What would you do with an extra ten, fifteen or twenty vibrant and healthy years added to your life? Would you travel, take art classes, spend quality time with family and friends? Would you read more books, go skydiving, garden, prepare gourmet meals? How about volunteering at a nursing home, giving manicures to people who can’t get out of their homes or giving a smile to those less fortunate than you?longevity-secret
My mother is in her eighties. She may move a bit slower than she did when she was in her forties, but she still gets around just fine. And where do you think she spends her time every Monday, just like clockwork?
Monday is the day she gets in the car with her good friend and fellow church member Christine, who is also an octogenarian, and they visit shut-ins. They visit people in their area who are in nursing homes, hospitals or in their own homes but unable to get out.
That’s right! These two women who have earned the right to sit quietly at home and enjoy some peaceful time instead choose to bring smiles, flowers, lively conversation and companionship to others every week. Some of the people they visit are even younger than they are! But my mother and Christine have an advantage.
They have tapped into one of the little known secrets of longevity.
As my mother sits with shut-ins, she often combs their hair, clips their fingernails and puts cream on their dry hands. After so many years of doing this she said she found that most of the people she visits are starved for a little attention, a gently touch and an interested ear. But, she brings far more than just a manicure set and a comb when she walks into those rooms. She brings a sense of purpose, a will to live fully and a passion for what she does. She doesn’t just touch their hands. She touches their hearts.
Many people have come up to me and told me what a difference my mother’s visits have made when their mother or father were no longer able to get around. Some people have called her an angel and I understand why. She exudes a desire to do something wonderful in this world. She loves having a joy-filled purpose. And she loves to make a difference, one person at a time.
So what does my mother do with her time since her retirement? How does she stay youthful, vibrant and alive? What keeps her going long after other people her age have stop doing much at all? She has tapped into the longevity secret of being passionate, caring, having a sense of purpose and a strong desire to serve.
My mother is in her eighties. She may move a bit slower than she did when she was in her forties, but she still gets around just fine. And where do you think she spends her time every Monday, just like clockwork?
Monday is the day she gets in the car with her good friend and fellow church member Christine, who is also an octogenarian, and they visit shut-ins. They visit people in their area who are in nursing homes, hospitals or in their own homes but unable to get out.
That’s right! These two women who have earned the right to sit quietly at home and enjoy some peaceful time instead choose to bring smiles, flowers, lively conversation and companionship to others every week. Some of the people they visit are even younger than they are! But my mother and Christine have an advantage.
They have tapped into one of the little known secrets of longevity.
As my mother sits with shut-ins, she often combs their hair, clips their fingernails and puts cream on their dry hands. After so many years of doing this she said she found that most of the people she visits are starved for a little attention, a gently touch and an interested ear. But, she brings far more than just a manicure set and a comb when she walks into those rooms. She brings a sense of purpose, a will to live fully and a passion for what she does. She doesn’t just touch their hands. She touches their hearts.
Many people have come up to me and told me what a difference my mother’s visits have made when their mother or father were no longer able to get around. Some people have called her an angel and I understand why. She exudes a desire to do something wonderful in this world. She loves having a joy-filled purpose. And she loves to make a difference, one person at a time.
So what does my mother do with her time since her retirement? How does she stay youthful, vibrant and alive? What keeps her going long after other people her age have stop doing much at all? She has tapped into the longevity secret of being passionate, caring, having a sense of purpose and a strong desire to serve.
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