Monday, July 2, 2012

Causes and Cures of Eczema

Eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is an inflammatory skin condition. The cause of eczema can be attributed to hereditary or external factors. Eczema is not infectious and cannot be caught by another person. It is more likely to occur in children under six, and many children will grow out of the condition. This article covers:
What is Eczema?
What are the external factors that cause eczema?
What are the symptoms of eczema?
Eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is an inflammatory skin condition. The cause of eczema can be attributed to hereditary or external factors. External factors include allergies, tobacco smoke, weather, chemicals, dust mites, grasses, pollens, pets, soaps, shampoos, washing powders and cosmetics. It is more likely to occur in people who have a family history of eczema or other allergy conditions. Eczema skin symptoms include red, dry, itchy or scaly skin. In extreme conditions, the skin may blister, bleed and weep. Have you ever experienced chemical cosmetic treatments that led to Contact

Eczema is not infectious and cannot be caught by another person. It is more likely to occur in children under six, and many children will grow out of the condition. For a lot of eczema sufferers, the condition will grow less and less severe as they grow older. However, some eczema sufferers will have the condition for their whole life. If eczema is left uncured, it can lead to more extreme skin infections, like herpes simplex type 1 and impetigo.

There are also specific types of eczema. Pompholyx (or dyshidrotic eczema) affects only the hands and sometimes the feet. It is thought that it may be caused by abnormal sweating. Nummular eczema has coin-shaped skin lesions that are normally on the arms and legs and may spread to the trunk.

Symptoms of Eczema

The symptoms of eczema are related to the skin, as eczema is a skin condition. Here are some of the eczema skin symptoms that may signify someone is suffering from eczema.
There is a rash
The skin is itchy
It may be dry, red, patchy or cracked
It may weep
The skin may feel rough
There may be lesions which become infected.
If you have any of the following symptoms and suspect you may be suffering from eczema, see a doctor for a formal diagnosis.

There are some of the natural and medical remedies you can follow while treating eczema. They are


There are a number of natural remedies for eczema. These remedies will not cure eczema, but they may help reduce the inflammation and prevent further outbreaks. Before taking any of the following natural remedies, discuss your eczema treatment with your doctor.
Evening Primrose Oil. Either take as a supplement or apply the oil to your skin.
Herbs for eczema include burdock, nettle and red clover. Boil them into a tea and drink.
Calendula, chamomile, St John's Wort and goldenseal can be bought as a topical cream or lotion and applied to the skin.
Eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids.
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This is an omega-6 fatty acid.
Lavender oil may improve skin rashes.


There is no known cure for eczema, but there are medications that can help relieve the problem. Your doctor may prescribe an eczema treatment, after making a diagnosis and looking at the cause of eczema. Here are some of the medical treatments available.
Topical corticoteroids and topical steroids. These help reduce inflammation and itchiness.
Antihistamines. These reduce itchiness and help with eczema pain relief.
Antibiotics. These treat any secondary infections.
Systemic steroids. Tablets and injections of steroids may be prescribed in very severe cases.
PUVA therapy. This is a UV treatment.
Topical immunomodulators (TIMs). These are steroid-free creams.

Laptop Use can Cause Skin Rash in Legs

A latest study has indicated that placing a laptop computer on your legs and thighs for prolonged periods can cause skin rash to develop on the thighs or on parts of the legs exposed to the heat.

People who develop skin rashes due to laptop usage are affected by the heating up of the laptop. A laptop has a number of components such as a fan or an optical drive that can generate heat. When the laptop is placed on the legs, this heat can affect the skin in the thighs area and cause the condition known as Toasted Skin Syndrome, Erythema ab igne or Fire Stains.

Why Heat causes Skin Rash, Toasted Skin Syndrome

When you keep a source of infrared radiation or heat such as a laptop or a hot water bottle on your skin for prolonged period of time, the internals of the skin starts getting affected. The heat causes the enlargement of capillaries or small blood vessels in the skin area exposed to the high temperature. Blood flow is increased in the area. This causes the red skin rash in the form of a web that we see in Toasted Skin Syndrome or Erythema ab igne.

Other sources of heat such as heaters, open fire, heated blankets and stoves can cause the web-like red skin rashes seen in Erythema ab igne.

In the era before central heating, Toasted Skin Syndrome was seen in elderly people who spent long hours closely in front an open fireplace, or in people using heating pads to reduce pain.

Cooks who spent a lot of time over stoves preparing meals also developed a skin rash face and palms being affected.

Types of Skin Rashes in Erythema Ab Igne

Types of skin rashes in Toasted Skin Syndrome or Erythema ab igne can differ according to the intensity of heat exposure and part of the body where the skin is exposed to the heat.

Some types of skin rashes seen in Erythema ab igne are:

Reddish web-like skin rash on legs - Initial skin rashes may be reddish and reticulated or shaped like a net or a web. Laptop skin might start out this way. It is a mildly itchy rash.
Skin rash face discolouration - In this type of skin rash face has patches of red discolouration. Those who work in foundries or are cooks may have skin rash face discolouration due to the close proximity to intense heat, especially from hydrocarbon sources.
Hyperpigmentation - After repeated exposure to the heat source, the rash may proceed to have a blue or brown pigmentation.
Bullae - With persistent heat exposure, in advanced cases, the rashes become more severe and blisters filled with fluid known as Bullae can break out.
Treatment for Skin Rash in Toasted Skin Syndrome

The first line of treatment for various types of skin rashes in Toasted Skin Syndrome or Erythema an igne lies in removing the source of heat affecting the skin.

In the case of a heated laptop, it may be a wise idea to place a book or a pillow between your legs and the laptop. That laptop may also be used on top of a table. This will ensure that a heated laptop does not affect your skin. As for laptop usage itself, when you feel that the lap has become too hot, you can shut it down for a period of time to allow its components to cool itself.

Professional workers who report symptoms of Erythema should also remove themselves from the heat source, or wear protective clothing during work.

Mild rash of the skin as in Toasted Skin Syndrome can go away on its own after contact with the heat source is no longer there. It may not need any medication and can completely disappear after a few months.

In advanced cases, where there is hyperpigmentation or bluish and brownish rash, treatment with skin creams such as Tretinoin can help improve the appearance of the rashes. Tretinoin is commonly used for Acne treatment.

Topical Flourocil cream can also help in treatment of Erythema ab igne.

Laser treatment such as Photothermolysis can also help in treating the rashes in advanced cases. Procedures such as Photothermolysis are used for removing tattoos.

Risk Factors for Skin Rash in Toasted Skin Syndrome

If the heat source is not removed soon enough, there is a chance that the rashes associated with Erythema ab igne or Toasted Skin Syndrome can turn into something more serious such as Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which is a common type of skin cancer. Reportedly, such a type of skin cancer was common in the past in societies which used traditional heating methods.

Doctors must monitor their patients for any risks of the Erythema ab igne developing into cancer. However, some experts have called mild rash due to laptop usage as being harmless in nature. People, who have noticed skin rash due to heat exposure during laptop usage or doing other work, must immediately protect their skin from the heat and consult their dermatologist.

Acne Skin Disorders - Symptoms and Treatments

Acne is a common skin disorder that affects many people. According to the National Institute of Arthritis, and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) in the United States (US), up to 80% of people in the age group 11 to 30 are affected by Acne at some time. Characterised by pimples or similar lesions, Acne in women can also be indicative of an underlying disease.

Acne - Most Common Among Skin Disorders

Acne skin disorders are typically associated with pimples in teenagers. Pimples are a type of lesions, which can be found not only in the face, but also in the neck and shoulder area. The unsightly eruptions cause great anxiety in teenagers. Acne can affect other age groups as well and may be more severe for some people.

The first type of Acne lesion that develops is called a Comedone. Blackheads and white heads are both types of comedones. When the follicle ruptures, skin inflammation such as pimples erupt.

Lesions in Acne Skin Disorders

Lesions developed in Acne skin disorders can be categorised according to the stage of development. The lesions can occur on the face - nose and chin area, as well as on the neck and back.

The types of Acne lesions include:

Comedones - This type of lesion is formed when the sebaceous glands secrete excess Sebum, which goes on to block the skin pores along with skin cells. Comedones themselves are of different types:
Whitehead - When the hair follicle containing the Sebum is fully blocked and is under the skin, it produces a small white inflammation or swelling, which is known as a Whitehead. Whiteheads are also known as closed Comedones.
Blackhead - When the enlarged follicle and Sebum open ups to the skin surface via a skin pore, it is visible as a small black spot or discolouration. The discolouration is due to melanin, a skin pigment. Blackheads are known as open comedones and typically abound on areas of the nose.
Papules - When blocked hair follicles rupture, inflammatory lesions such as Papules start to form. These are small, solid, reddish bumps on the skin.
Pimples or Pustules - These are small pus filled papules or skin inflammations.
Nodules - A more serious type of lesion, nodules are formed deep in the skin surface. Outwardly, it can appear raised and solid. It may be present both above and below the skin.
Cysts - Pus filled nodules are called cysts. Acne cysts can cause permanent scars.
List of Skin Disorders with Similar Symptoms

Some other skin disorders may exhibit similar types of lesions or inflammations. A brief list of skin disorders with symptoms similar to Acne includes:

Rosacea - Symptoms of Rosacea include red papules and pistules, mostly on the face. This type of skin disorder is characterised by redness or flushing of the face. This mainly affects Europeans, particular those who are Celtic.
Perioral Dermatitis - A condition affecting adult women, the main symptoms are papules, which are small and red in colour, occurring near the sides of the chin, upper lip and around the nose.
Neonatal Acne - In this disorder, pustules occur on the face and scalp of newborn babies. It generally goes away on its own.
Skin Disorder and Treatments

Many common skin disorders are temporary and may disappear with time and age. However, in some persistent or severe cases, consultation with a dermatologist may be needed for treatments. Sometimes severe Acne in young women may also be indicative of deep hormonal imbalances and maybe even a symptom of conditions such as Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Since Acne treatment involves correcting internal hormonal imbalances as well as external inflammation, an integrated approach for such types of skin disorder and treatments is needed.

Temporary relief can be given for lesions with topical medication like creams and lotions, antibiotics to prevent inflammation and Retinoids or Vitamin A derivatives. Homeopathy also can offer effective medication for such skin orders.

Cosmetic treatments such as laser scar removal, known as laser resurfacing, is also being used to remove Acne scars for those severely affected.

The Best Remedies to Minimize Wrinkles and Pores

As we age, the cells in the epidermis layer of our skin (that is the top layer), become thinner. This makes the skin look thinner. The epidermis also keeps less moisture in the skin, which makes the skin dry. Epidermal cells decrease as we age and the skin cannot repair itself as easily. This article gives you an insight into:
What are Wrinkles and why do they arise?
What are the remedies to reduce wrinkles?
Which essentials can be used to reduce lines and wrinkles?
By understanding how wrinkles are caused, we can better understand how to minimize wrinkles and pores. Although it may not be possible to stop skin wrinkles completely, it is possible to reduce lines and wrinkles.

As we age, the cells in the epidermis layer of our skin (that is the top layer), become thinner. This makes the skin look thinner. The epidermis also keeps less moisture in the skin, which makes the skin dry. Epidermal cells decrease as we age and the skin cannot repair itself as easily.

The dermal layer (middle layer) is also affected as we age. This layer also gets thinner and it produces less collagen. This causes the skin to wrinkle and sag. The bottom layer of our skin is the subcutaneous layer. This layer includes fat cells and these fat cells get smaller as we age. The rate of regeneration of skin cells also decreases. All these factors cause the skin to repair less easily. The skin also loses its elasticity.

These changes can also affect our pores (hair follicles). The pores look more enlarged as we age, which often appears worse because of the build-up of dead skin cells at the base of the pore.

Causes for Premature Wrinkles

The biggest cause for wrinkles is age. As we age, the changes in our skin will eventually lead to wrinkles and fine lines. However, some people get wrinkles earlier than others. What are some of the causes of premature wrinkles?
Smoking. When you smoke, the amount of blood, oxygen and nutrient flowing to your skin is reduced. This affects the skin's natural ability to repair damage. You can buy champix, nicorette and other natural medication products to quit smoking faster.
The sun. The sun's UV rays damages the skin. It can cause wrinkles and sun spots.
Heredity. The age that we get our first wrinkles is also determined by hereditary factors.
Facial movements. Premature wrinkles may be caused by continual and repetitive facial movements. Constant frowning will cause furrows above the eyebrows.
Stress. Stress may have a negative affect on the skin, particularly if it is accompanied by lots of facial movements.

Best Remedies to Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles are inevitable at some stage in our life, but there are steps we can take to minimize wrinkles and pores. These steps may not stop skin wrinkles altogether, but they might stop them for a time or at least reduce wrinkles and fine lines.


There are some natural means to reduce wrinkles. Try these natural wrinkle fighters to help reduce lines and wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
Rub lemon juice on blemishes and age spots.
Apply a paste of turmeric powder to your skin.
Crush a grape and apply it to wrinkles.
Castor oil. Apply directly to the skin.
For herbal anti wrinkle skin care try neem, cats claw or tea tree.
Emu oil is one of the top natural remedies for wrinkles.
Use a mashed banana as a mask.
Some essential oils that are can reduce lines and wrinkles are sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, rose jasmine, neroli and frankincense. Mix these oils with evening primrose oil or another base to make your own natural anti wrinkle lotion. To make a natural anti wrinkle cream for the eyes, use a base of cocoa butter and add neroli.

Top Skin Care Tips

The skin contains many different cells and structures and it constantly changes as layers are shed and replaced by other layers. Skin varies in thickness throughout the body and different people have different layers of thickness. This article covers:

What is combination type of skin?
How can you make your skin healthy?
Know more about the skin layers
This article provides top skin care tips, including tips for healthy skin, tips for facial skin problems and anti ageing tips. Good skin care is important, as your skin has many functions within your body. Two of the important things your skin does is it provides a protective barrier and helps with sensory perception.

Skin Anatomy
The skin contains many different cells and structures and it constantly changes as layers are shed and replaced by other layers. Skin varies in thickness throughout the body and different people have different layers of thickness. There are three layers of skin, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. The top layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) has dead skin cells which shed approximately every two weeks. The dermis contains three types of tissue (collagen, elastic tissue and reticular fibers). The subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fat and connective tissue.


There are four skin types. Different skin types may need different approaches to achieve healthy skin. It is important to use the appropriate skin care tips for each skin type.
Normal skin has the proper balance between oil and moisture, so that it is not greasy or dry. It looks clear, supple and healthy. Normal skin still needs good skin care, but requires less treatment than other skin types.
Dry skin cannot retain moisture as well as normal skin. It may flake and it is prone to wrinkles and lines. Important skin care tips for dry skin include the regular use of a good moisturizer.
Oily skin has an over secretion of sebum. There is excess oil on the surface of the skin. Oily skin often develops spots and pimples. Important skin care tips for oily skin include regular and thorough cleansing.
Combination skin is a combination of both oily and dry skin. The forehead, nose and chin may be oily, and the cheeks and other areas may be dry. Each area should be given the right skin care that is needed for that skin type.

Tips for permanent hair removal

Many women have unwanted hair they want to remove, either by temporary hair removal measures or by permanent hair removal measures, like laser hair removal. Unwanted hair can be on legs, arms, underarms, bikini line or the face. This article makes clear the following:
Is it possible to remove unwanted hair by waxing?
How sugaring can be used to remove unwanted hair?
How unwanted hair can be removed permanently?
Many women have unwanted hair they want to remove, either by temporary hair removal measures or by permanent hair removal measures, like laser hair removal. Unwanted hair can be on legs, arms, underarms, bikini line or the face. Unwanted facial hair is one area where women will often consider permanent Hair Removal or laser facial hair removal.

Remedies for Dealing with the Situation

There are a number of remedies for dealing with unwanted hair, including bleaching, short-term hair removal, long-term hair removal and permanent hair removal. Here are some of the most popular methods of removing unwanted hair.
Bleaching. Bleaching the hair makes the hair more difficult to see.
Plucking the hairs out using a tweezer. (This is popular when dealing with eyebrow hair.)
Trimming the hair.
Using an epilator.
Depilatory creams.
Laser hair removal.

A lot of hair removal methods require the use of harsh chemicals, but there are some natural remedies for removing unwanted hair. Shaving and plucking can be considered natural remedies, so far as they do not require the use of chemicals. Here are some other natural remedies for body hair removal and facial hair removal.
Hair can be bleached with lemon juice and chamomile tea.
Sugaring is a method first used in ancient Egypt. By combining honey, lemon and sugar you can create your own mixture. It is used in a similar way to waxing.
A rough stone (like a pumice stone) can be used to remove hair by causing friction.
Some hair removal products can be purchased that use only natural ingredients.
Hot water and steam are not methods of dealing with unwanted hair, but they are helpful when removing hair from the roots. Before plucking, waxing or using an epilator, a hot bath or a facial sauna with open up the pores and make the hairs easier to remove.


There are many creams and gadgets on the market that assist women in facial hair removal and body hair removal.

Depilatory creams use chemicals to dissolve the hairs at the skin's surface. They are often used for facial hair removal or removal of hairs around the bikini line. Different creams can be purchased for different hair removal tasks. As these creams contain harsh chemicals, they may irritate the skin. For this reason, all creams should be tested on the skin before use.

Hair bleaches lighten the hair, so that it is becomes less visible. There are a number of hair bleaches available in the stores. Hair bleaches are popular for facial hair, where it is difficult to remove hair without waxing or undergoing permanent hair removal treatments, like laser facial hair removal.

Waxing is a popular way of removing unwanted body and facial hair. There are a number of special waxing kits available for purchase, some of which include all-natural ingredients. People can also get their hair waxed at beauty salons.

Shaving removes the hair at the skin's surface. As the hair is cut off, it may grow back thicker and darker than before. Shaving products include razors, disposable razors and electric razors. Shaving cream can help while shaving, but it does not help remove unwanted hair.

Epilators are electronic devices that roll along the body, pulling up hairs at the root. As the hairs are removed at the root, it takes longer for the hairs to grow back than they would in normal shaving.

All of these methods can be useful while dealing with unwanted hair. Some of these methods last longer than others, but none of them provide permanent hair removal.

How to Care for Your Teeth

Brushing Your Teeth
1.    Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, for two minutes each time. Make sure you brush on all sides of your teeth and get your tongue. You can ask your dentist(s) for a demonstration. It is best to do one of these times before you go to bed, as your mouth does not have the same salivary protection when you are sleeping as it does during the day. If you can, brush after lunch as well. Brushing during the day will reduce the damage caused by plaque byproducts and toxins.
Each tooth has five distinct sides; a toothbrush cleans only 3 of those 5 sides. The other two sides are where much of the destruction and disease (not to mention foul odors) originate: the in between areas. These remaining two sides require dental floss or tiny inter-dental brushes that can reach in-between and under the contact points of the teeth. Gum disease is linked to life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and premature low birth weight babies.

2. Use a dry bristle brush for the first two minutes of cleaning. It's not the toothpaste that "cleans" your teeth, it's the mechanical action of the bristles in physical contact with the tooth surface that removes plaque (a living bio-film teeming with microorganisms that cause disease). You can do a magnificent job brushing your teeth using a dry brush and rinsing with water (although your teeth will not have the benefit of fluoride).
 3. Spend time moving the bristles at and below the gum line, where it is most important to clean. The toothpaste can go on after those two minutes, and you can have the advantage of fluoride, whitening, stain removal or whatever works better for you because it's applied to a nice clean surface.

Floss Your Teeth

    1    Floss your teeth daily and after any food that will stick in your teeth (i.e. corn on the cob, caramel, peanut butter, etc.). This cleans the other sides of your teeth that you couldn't reach with your toothbrush.
    2    Use a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper is an important part of oral hygiene that will also work wonders with stale, smelly breath. Use it to remove the plaque on your tongue, which will freshen breath and presumably slow down the accumulation of plaque on your teeth. Alternatively, you can use your toothbrush to clean your tongue.

Use Mouth Wash

    1    Find a fluoride mouthwash. Fluoride mouthwashes help to strengthen tooth enamel. Teach children between the age of six and twelve good rinsing skills to prevent swallowing. Follow the directions on the bottle. Right before you got to bed is a good time.

Choose Your Foods Wisely
1. Avoid snacking constantly. Snacking constantly can cause plaque to build up on your teeth, which can increase the risk of getting cavities.
2.  Instead of reaching for the chocolate, nibble a bit of cheese as a snack. Cheese and milk are really good for keeping healthy teeth because they are alkaline. This counteracts the acids that eat away at your teeth.
3. Avoid sugary and/or sticky foods. Sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth, which then excrete substances that break down tooth enamel. Eat lots of vegetables, and drink water instead of soda or juice.
4, Remember that fruit juices are full of acids and natural sugars. Keep drinking these to a minimum or only drink them at meal-times, when the saliva is flowing most.
 5 Try to chew less seeds. It may produce fissures in your molars.

Natural Ways to Keep Skin Healthy

Keeping your skin healthy does not need to involve expensive beauty products.

Here are some tips for Healthy Skin, using natural products.


One of the top tips for healthy skin care is to eat healthy foods. Here are some of the best foods for healthy skin.
Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids (eg. Tuna, mackerel, herrings and sardines)
Foods containing Vitamin A or beta-carotene (eg. Sweet potato, carrot, mango and spinach)
Foods containing zinc (e.g. Beef, peanuts, roasted pumpkin)
Fresh fruit and vegetables


Skin hydration is very important, especially for people with dry skin. Drinking lots of water is one way of keeping skin hydrated. Water also helps brings nutrients to the skin. It is important to avoid dehydrating drinks, like cola, coffee and alcohol. Cold weather and hot water can dry out skin, so these should be avoided as much as possible. People with dry skin should always wear a sunscreen, even during winter.


Getting a good night's sleep is important for healthy skin care. As people sleep, skin rejuvenation takes place and the cells undergo a process of repair. This is important because this is the time when the skin is restored and recovers from any harm it has suffered during the day. To help skin stay healthy, you should ensure you get at least seven (preferably eight) hours of sleep a night. Make-up can interfere with the skin's rejuvenation process, so all make-up should be removed before going to bed.


Natural supplements can keep your skin looking healthy. Anti ageing supplements can help prevent signs of ageing. Natural supplements can also help fix some common problems. Here are some of the best natural and anti-ageing supplements for healthy skin.
Primrose Oil
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Zinc (to help heal damaged skin)

Herbs can be useful in maintaining healthy skin and for treating problem skin. Here are some tips for herbal skin care, including tips for facial skin problems.
Aloe vera is good for all types of skin.
Dry skin. Make a facial sauna with comfrey or calendula. Drink chamomile, dandelion or peppermint tea.
Oily skin. Apply witch hazel onto the skin to absorb oil. Make a facial sauna using lemongrass and rosebuds.
Acne. Tea tree is very good for treating acne.

Herbs can also be useful in general cleansing of the skin of different types. Effective skin cleansers can be made using vegetable oils. For a toner, use rosewater for dry skin and witch hazel for oily skin. You can also infuse herbs and use the water as a toner.


Although many of the tips already covered can also be considered anti ageing tips, here are a few more tips to help prevent ageing of skin and wrinkles.
Avoid exposing your skin to the sun. If you need to go out in the sun, use a sunscreen and wear a hat.
Avoid exposing your skin to heat (this includes hot water).
Learn to relax your face.
Quit smoking.
Healthy Skin

By following the skin care tips, the tips for healthy skin and the anti-ageing tips outlined in this article, your skin will feel great and look healthy.

Wisata Danau Toba - Sumatera Utara

Danau Toba adalah salah satu destinasi wisata alam terbesar di Indonesia dan terletak di Sumatera Utara. Ini adalah danau vulkanik terbesar ...