This box of 50 was only $10.00. They are much more in other stores. They could be cheaper online, so shop around. All you do is peel away the paper and stick on your business card, maybe from your blog or etsy shop. However, you know me...I'll think of something else.

You can really just use regular paper or card stock with your own design, but I thought I would show you the world of packaged business cards for your printer. I might do another whole post just on the uses of business cards (because I have a lot), but these instructions are for printing for the magnets.
Business cards come in many different styles and colors.

White, cream...

and many, many more!

Here are a few close-ups.

Here is a quick tutorial for using Microsoft Word. Click on it from your desktop.

Once Microsoft Word opens, click on MAILINGS at the top.

Then click on LABELS at the left.

A pop up window appears that looks like this. At the bottom middle is an OPTIONS button.


Find out from your package of business cards what your template number is. This one is Avery 8371.

In that OPTIONS window, you will scroll down to find your template number.

Click OK...

At the next window, click NEW DOCUMENT, down there at the bottom.

Just type and print. There are a few adjustments if it's your first time....like centering, size of fonts etc. So when you are ready to print something, print on plain piece of paper then hold it up to the blank sheet of business cards to make sure the print is where you want it. Then print on the business card sheet.

Print away. Try to use the whole sheet, so you don't waste any cards like I did here.

Here's a close-up.

Separate on the perforations...

Peel paper away from front side of magnet.

and stick the card on.

Here it is on my magnetic memo board in my sewing room...see it on the bottom left. Right where I can always see it! The tutorial for the memo board can be found HERE. There is also a tutorial for those take out container on the bottom right HERE. I use those to store tiny things.

How about a fabric magnet to match your kitchen or craft room. The magnets are 2" x 3 1/2". Easy and great gifts too.

Too cute!

A picture magnet is another great gift idea or just a cute addition to your frig. Here's Annie 10 years ago.

Trying to center the picture on the magnet can be tricky, so take a piece of card board and trace your magnet.

Cut out the center of the card board.

Now you have the perfect "window" to trace around your picture.

Cut out along the pencil line.

Peel and stick.

and here's Annie, as a puppy, on the refrigerator.

The cutest magnet to hold up her reminder card for her vet appointment.
- great for the baby sitter
- emergency numbers for your child to have with a quick look at it on the frig at his/her eye level
- important numbers for your school aged child and it will stick inside their LOCKER!!

A list of all those important dates...a great quick reminder when they are always there at a glance.

How about sending a beautifully designed magnet as a SAVE THE DATE card for a wedding. There are so many beautiful business cards just for weddings, this would be perfect.

and how about your favorite MEASUREMENT EQUIVALENT CHART. You can design the one you would use the most.

The ideas are limitless for these cards. I have another idea in the works. If I finish it this week, I'll pass it on.
If you have any ideas and want to share, just let us know in your comments.
Remember...always think outside the box.
Happy Tuesday,
Happy Tuesday,