Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sew Darn Crafty...Top 3 Most Viewed Post

The linking service I use for the party shows how many views each project has, so here are Sew Darn Crafty's Top 3 for this past week. Everyone who adds their projects are my favorites, but these posts below are the most viewed this week.

The first post is from Jan at Bessie Mary blog. These hanging fabric bags are just too cute. I can think of a million places I want to use these. Thanks so much for sharing this great project with us Jan.

Next is from Kirie from the blog Shape Moth. This beautiful rainbow brick wall quilt is made from a jelly roll. Such inspiration...the colors are amazing. I really need to start quilting again. Thanks so much for linking up to the party.

Last, but certainly not the least is this awesome bag from Suzan from the blog The Reluctant Quilter. Suzan "sewed up a storm" and made these beautiful bags. Pop over and take a look at more. Thanks Suzan for linking them!

Thanks to everyone for linking up. See you on Sunday for another edition of Sew Darn Crafty.

Take care,

Friday, September 9, 2011

Blog Buddy...How to Add Static Phrase Under Your Blog Header

Welcome to another edition of Blog Buddy...a place for blogging tips and tricks. For more help, just click the Blog Buddy Button on the right side bar or the page link under my blog title.

Today is a quick tutorial on how to add a static phrase or sentence just below your blog header. Static means when anyone clicks on your blog, that sentence is always there like your blog title or pages are. It's not going to change from page to page like a dated post will do. For example, if someone clicks on a link to an old post you did last year, even though they are on an older post that static sentence is still at the top of your blog

For my sentence, I wrote a short blurb to let friends know I have picture links of projects in my pages section. You can use this for anything though...
  • inspiration phrase
  • a give away that your having that week and you want it to show up every time someone clicks on your blog
  • an Etsy shop you want to advertise
  • a holiday greeting
  • what ever your heart desires

Here's a picture of my sentence just below the red pages...(click any picture to enlarge to see it better)

To add your own...go to the design section of your dashboard and click "Add Gadget" (circled below)

When the pop up window appears, scroll down and click "Text".

When that window appears, write what ever you'd like in the larger box. Probably no need for a title. A title is good if your keeping it on your side bar.

Make sure you click SAVE when you are done.

When you add a gadget, it always ends up under the words "add gadget". Now you have to move it up under your header.

Click on your sentence box and "drag" it up to the Gadget section under your header.

Always click SAVE after every move you make to a gadget.

The picture below shows how to drag it up to where you want it.

Hope this is helpful...have a great day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday...

Last day of summer is September 22nd.

However, this past Monday was Labor Day and that pretty much marks the end of summer for me...and you know what that means!

No more shaving above the knee!

You're laughing because you know what I'm talking about or you're laughing because you never shave above the knee any way. Lol !!

Let's hear for less shaving !

Happy Thursday,

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tool Time Tuesday...Framed Pincushion

Happy Tuesday again everyone! Tool Time is a day we make something useful out of something we aren't using, something from the recycle bin, something from the hardware store or from some other crazy place.

This Tuesday is a pincushion from an old frame!

How many old frames do we have tucked away? A lot! If you find one that you like, but it's not the right color...don't forget to paint it to match!

For this project, make sure the frames have the easel on the back so it stands up next to your sewing machine.

You will need...
  • frame with glass removed, but keep the cardboard or cut one to fit
  • piece of batting or stuffing
  • scrap fabric
  • hot glue or duct tape

You may have to trim the card board piece just a little to make room for the fabric folding over to the back side.

Cut batting to fit the size of your cardboard. I folded my batting over three times.

Stack fabric right side down, batting or stuffing and then cardboard. Fabric is about an inch larger than the cardboard all the way around.

Wrap fabric to the back and hot glue in place. You can also use duct tape too. You won't see this part at all.

All wrapped up!

Pop into frame, puffy side going towards the front.

Snap in the backing.

All set for your pins!!

Perfect next to your sewing machine for a pretty little addition.

I was thinking for the frames with several cubbies in them (like the one towards the back of the picture)...they would be great for
  • a different pincushion for different kids of pins
  • a different pincushion for all the different sized needles you have for hand sewing

I have lots of other pincushion tutorials the name below to go to each post
These would make great little gifts for sewing friends, guild meetings or sewing bee groups!!

Looks like I'm on a mission to find a million ways to make a pincushion...we'll see what's next!!

Have a great Tuesday,

ps...if you missed yesterday's post take a peek here and join "The Nester Club"

Join The Nester Club...Empty or Not So Much

I had so many responses and emails to a post I did last week about our 2 daughters going back to college. Click HERE if you'd like to read that post.

An "empty nest" doesn't necessarily mean that your kids have gone off to college. They may have moved out permanently and started a life of their own or you may be the only person at home for unforeseen circumstances, etc. An empty nest is still an empty nest.

For my husband and myself, with the girls being gone for 9 months of the year, there is a flood of mixed emotions being "Empty Nesters"...
  • we miss them like crazy...they still like to hang out with us, so it's a big change for us
  • are they safe and sound
  • they have a car there, so that's an issue to worry about too
  • cooking for a few instead of a flock of friends
  • I won't miss the mess
  • makeup all over the bathroom sink
  • clothes all over the floor...I gave up on that
  • running the dishwasher 2 times a day
  • did I say we missed them like crazy

There's a hitch in my "empty nest". Our side of the house is "empty", but my 87 year old dad lives in an in-law apartment just down the hall. I think we're called "semi empty nesters" which brings another whole set of issues...
  • hubby and I now have the freedom to go anywhere, but not quite...we have to find someone to stay with dad.
  • worrying about whether he'll burn our house down when he leaves the stove on cooking
  • or if the house will float down the street from another flood he caused (5 and counting)

Here's where the "Nester Club" starts. Are you a...

NESTER~~~kids leaving in a few years and you're getting emotionally ready
EMPTY NESTER~~~children are gone and your house is truly empty
SEMI NESTER~~~children are gone, but a parent or parents live with you or your grown children are back with you again

  • leave a comment on this post
  • grab the button code on the right side bar and link back here, so we have more "Nesters"
  • make sure your email is not a "No Reply". Click HERE to find out if you are
  • if you don't have a blog, leave your email address in the comment so others can connect with you
Each week or so I will write a post on a "Nester" topic and we can all talk about it through the comments. I think all us "old birds" need a place to chirp...don't you!

Hope you can join,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sew Darn Crafty Party...Week 30

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope this day finds you well. Our house is slowly getting back to normal. After packing up the 2 girls to go off to college, there is still "stuff" every where. Their rooms are still pulled apart and the basement where all the boxes and supplies were stored still needs to be organized again.

It's Labor Day weekend here in the states, so we have Monday off from work. Today, I will catch up emails and hopefully get some sewing and crafting in too. Hope you can get a chance to sneak something fun in there too.

I'm adding a little something to Sew Darn Crafty. The linking service I use keeps track of how many clicks each linking picture gets. On Saturdays, I will have a new segment that will showcase the top 3!!

If you're new to Sew Darn Crafty, then grab a cup of something tasty, sit back and join in on the fun (starts Sunday and lasts all week long at Sew Many Ways).

  • "Sew" for anything to do with sewing,

  • "Darn" for anything to do with knitting. I always think of darning to do with knitting, but in my case "darn" usually is similar to the word I say when I mess up crafting!!

  • Let's not forget the word "crafty"...that can mean just about anything we do to create.


So now we all know what Sew Darn Crafty means, let's explain a linking party again. I subscribe to a linking service, which provides the ability to link thumbnail pictures on my blog. The picture is a link that other bloggers provide to share their projects.

Two things can happen at a linking party...looking and/or linking
  • you can be greatly inspired by wonderful projects, ideas or vacation pictures (looking) and/or

  • you can share what you've been up to (linking)

If you want to be inspired by all the great ideas...just click on a picture and it will take you to that post from a wonderful blogger willing to share her thoughts and ideas.


Sew Darn Crafty is all about YOU!! Show off your projects, share a tutorial, show us your vacation pictures, share a family favorite recipe...share anything. Not only does linking inspire us all, it also brings lots of new people to your blog for a visit. Click here for past parties and lots of inspiration

Easy steps to join in on the fun...

  • link up to the specific project post, not your whole blog. Makes it easier to link right to that post and not  search through all your entire blog. To find the http address to a specific post, just click on the Title of your post.

  • link as many projects as you'd like...old or new

  • anything, sewing, knitting, crafts, organizing, remodeling projects, vacations, parties etc...

  • visit other links to share some blogging love! You know we all love comments!

  • grab a Sew Darn Crafty button for your blog (on my right side bar) or just link to the party in your post.

  • the more we share, the more people will join and then there's more inspiration to look at!

  • linking is open til Saturday night, so plenty of time to join in

  • just click the "click here to enter" button and follow the easy steps

Have fun linking up! Don't forget to come back and take a look at all the great projects during the week,

Wisata Danau Toba - Sumatera Utara

Danau Toba adalah salah satu destinasi wisata alam terbesar di Indonesia dan terletak di Sumatera Utara. Ini adalah danau vulkanik terbesar ...