Love is the most wonderful feeling of all. To reflect on the abundance of love floating through the Universe today and every day, we share the words of love that have become eternal throughout the world.
1. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-13
2. “You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
3. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi
4. “Love is real, real is love.” – John Lennon
5. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.” – The Notebook
6. “The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” -Thich Nhat Hanh
7. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
8. “I love you — not only for what you are — but for what I am when I am with you.” – Roy Croft
9. “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” – Paul McCartney
10. “It’s the way that you know what I thought I knew. It’s the beat that my heart skips when I’m with you.” —Crazy in Love, performed by Beyonce Knowles
11. “I love you right up to the moon and back.” – Sam McBratney
12. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray.” — Jimmie Davis
13. “Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.” — John Keatslove wine
14. “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.” – Sophocles
15. “The more I give to thee, the more I have.” – William Shakespeare
Monday, July 6, 2015
Add Positive Energy to Your Workplace
Add Positive Energy to Your Workplace: Stay Organized
Much work stress comes from deadlines that were missed and disorganization. Keep a color coded calendar of all work events, deadlines, meetings, and client updates. Being able to consult the calendar of all daily events will make work less stressful.
Practice Effective Communication
Most people have negative communication with one another because the communication is not effective. Send emails updating colleagues on the things that each person must be aware of and while speaking in person, genuinely listen to one another rather than being abrupt. Better communication produces positive communication and positive feelings.
Many people do not make a habit of smiling and looking cheerful at work, but looking approachable will get you much different results than looking standoffish. Practicing smiling and having a more upbeat attitude makes it likely that other workers will approach you with the same attitude. Clients also prefer working with someone who is professional, yet friendly.
Make Small Goals
Most of the time people don’t feel accomplished at work, which leads to feelings of negativity. Setting small goals that lead to larger accomplishments will help keep you focused will help keep your attitude positive and upbeat.
Leave Work at the office
If you have a stressful job or a job that can be brought home, it can become easy for your life to be overwhelmed with work. If you vow to leave work at home and spend your personal time with family, friends, and your own hobbies, work will appear much less like an albatross and must more like a part of life.
Parenting Tips
Give Positive Attention While Spending Time With Your Child
Add to the list!
- Spend time alone with your child giving them your undivided attention
- Plan fun activities that the entire family can participate and enjoy
- Take them to different places outside of your neighborhood to expand their horizons such as museums, parks, beaches, camping trips, mountains, etc.
- Encourage your child on a daily basis which will help them to prosper in their daily lives
- Share a real interest in the things that matters to your child
- Encourage Positive Communication
- Talk “with” your child instead talking “at” them
- Take the time to listen to what your child has to say and value the shared information
- Urge your child to open up about discussing large and small problems with you
- Don’t put your child down while they discuss any concerns or problems they are dealing with
- Plan some time each day to have a conversation with your child to discuss about how their day went, and any possible difficulties they may have encountered
- positive-parenting
- Show Your Love Through Daily Action
- Show your love and support for your child daily as this will let your child know that you love and care for them
- Frequently give them hugs on good and bad days
- Continuous show your interest in your child’s life
- Buildup a Healthy Confidence And Self-Esteem
- Teach your child that it’s good to feel positive about themselves
- Take out the time to speak and show your child that you know they are special
- Recognize and find the positive confidence in them
- Continuous Promote Positive Values And Attitudes
- Teach your children at an early age how to care and respect themselves along with others around them
- Instruct them on the right and wrong things
- Try to minimize negative comments and give more positive comments
- Encourage good work habits in their academia and employment
Add to the list!
Health Benefits of Celery
"People with Crohns Disease, IBS and many other digestive issues could benefit greatly from eating celery".
Celery is a food that we all know and love. It’s used in a variety of summer salads, as well as in soup recipes and much more. But did you know that celery carries with it a multitude of health benefits? Tyler Tolman shows us the mind-blowing benefits of this crunchy low calorie snack!
“Have you ever noticed that celery looks like our bones? If you cut a whole stock of Celery it looks just like the insides of a bone as well. Celery is high in natural sodium which is the catalyst for making bones.
Many people think by taking calcium supplements they are helping their bones when in fact all they are doing is calcifying their body.
Let’s think about it for a second, you can take coral calcium off the ocean floor and sell it as pills or you could recognize that the coral got there by the sodium content in the water and sunshine in the first place. 2 major building blocks for your body making calcium.
The body needs sodium and sunshine to produce strong bones, something celery has both of!! That’s right celery has sodium and sunshine!
There is evidence of celery being used as a medicinal plant in ancient Egypt. There’s also evidence that ancient Greek athletes were awarded celery leaves to commemorate their winning.
Hippocrates described celery as a nerve re-builder and soother and said “let food be thy medicine”
Fresh celery is an excellent source of vitamin-K. Vitamin-K helps increase bone mass by promoting osteopathic activity in the bones. It also has established role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
Recent research has brought knowledge about celery’s anti-inflammatory health benefits, including its protection against inflammation in the digestive tract itself. This means that people with Crohns Disease, IBS and many other digestive issues could benefit greatly from eating celery.
Celery has also been shown to decrease risk of oxidation damage to body fats and risk of oxidation damage to blood vessel walls. (it strengthens the circulatory system ;0)
As far back as ancient Rome, celery was considered an aphrodisiac. Today, scientists know that celery contains androsterone, a pheromone released by mens’ sweat glands that attracts females.
Famed Italian lover Casanova made sure to include lots of celery in his diet to keep up his stamina. (Apparently good for different kinds of bones)
So you can snack on it raw or do what I do and add Almond Butter or mix it in with a Green Smoothie:
For an amazing green smoothie that my wife and baby have every day for breakfast, simply mix these ingredients in a blender:
1 cut apple
2 sticks celery
½ avocado
¼ cucumber
big handful or 2 of greens (spinach, kale, silverbeet etc)
2-3 banana’s
5-7 dates
Then add ¼- ½ of the pitcher with water and blend till Silky Smooth :0)”
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
You’re in the Right Relationship
Many people believe that we don’t choose our partners, and destiny puts us together. Whether that is true or not, it’s important to know if you’re in a healthy relationship.
So, how do you know if you’re in the right relationship?
Here are our tips to help you understand if you’re in the “right relationship” or understand and correctly steer your “wrong relationship”.
1. Communication is kind, open and honest.
You know you’re in the right relationship when your words towards each other are kind and loving (more often than not). Of course, you’ll have your ups and downs, but if kind communication is consistent you have a winning formula.
Of course, not only do you want to speak kindly to each other, but also open and honest. In the right relationship, you can tell your partner ANYTHING without being judged or criticized. Likewise, you can be honest and expect understanding and love. If you feel like you cannot be open and honest, that’s a problem.
Likewise, you want to be sure you are receiving the open and honest truth from your partner. The truth is, we humans aren’t always perfect. So, if you catch your partner in a little white lie, don’t immediately send them off with packed bags. Forgive, and encourage the importance of honesty. You deserve nothing less than kind, open and honest communication, so be sure that’s a cornerstone in your relationship.
2. You and your partner understand exactly how to make the other feel truly loved.
We all have different preferences when it comes to receiving love. In the right relationship, both partners understand the others needs and want to care for them in the best way possible. From as small as a cup of coffee in the morning or a warm dinner at night, to a romantic mountain getaway for your anniversary, the right partner knows exactly what makes your heart swoon.
This is effectively done through the right communication. You don’t expect the other to read your mind. You learn, get to know your partner and act in a way that makes them fall in love with you even more.
3. You keep conflict and fights “on the down low”.
Conflict in any relationship is expected. No matter how perfect you are for each other, you will not agree on everything. Disagreements are natural and healthy, because you are speaking your mind and standing up for yourself. It’s better to talk and find out how the other feels than to hide it and let it creep out even uglier later.
The key to disagreements is to listen without defending and speak without offending. You want to keep fighting at bay and just between you two. When you call up a close friend or family member and get them involved that is childish and inappropriate. The key to a happy, healthy relationship is to talk about your disagreements and if you have to, agree to disagree.
If you plan on staying together for a long time, you’ll have to master this tip. If you don’t, you may have many more battles ahead of you (or worse an end to your relationship).
4. Your trusted friends and family approve.
Your close friends and family know you better than you know your self sometimes. When you fall in love, you may forget to take your brain with you. It’s easy to fall in love, especially if your partners got those smooth moves. ;) The people who care about you have opinions that matter. If the consensus is positive about your relationship, GREAT.
If it’s not. . . ask questions. Find out “Why?”
Contrary to your young rebellious beliefs, their opinion matters. It doesn’t mean to do what they say. Sometimes other people have opinions with their own motives behind them. But, it’s important to look for truth in what they are saying.
5. There is a healthy blend of time together (and time apart).
When you fall in love, you may want to do nothing but be wrapped up like John Lennon and Yoko Ono, not leaving each other for days on end. But when you have time apart, it gives you insight into how valuable your relationship really is. Seeing someone after time apart yields an extra special feeling that can not be replicated.
It’s also a great way for each of you to do something you love, that the other may not take much of an interest to. Understand the right balance and keep it going. This blend is different for each couple. Find your own that works for the both of you.
6. You see service above self.
In the right relationship, it’s important for you to be happy, but there’s nothing wrong with going the extra mile to outwardly show your love for your significant other.
Now I’m not talking about abandoning self-care or waiting on them hand over foot, I’m talking about making them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Not only will the right partner appreciate the show of grace, but they will want to do the same for you.
Make work fun
Here are some helpful suggestions to make work fun:
1: Listen to music.
If practical, bring some headphones or portable stereo with you to work. If someone complains, tell them to consider this: researchers at the University of Illinois found that people who listened to music while doing complex analytical work or administrative tasks increased their productivity.
2: Fung Shui your workspace.
Energize and organize your workspace by doing some of all of the following: use colored post-its or paper clips, stack your baskets, use color-coded folders, get a small plant or flower, or have pictures and other inspirational stuff around.
3: Have a stress ball or something else to play with.
If you work on a computer or talk to people all day, it can get boring and stressful real quick. Having something pliable in your hand, like a stress ball, can help ease the boredom.
4: Change your screensaver.
Instead of your company logo, change the computer screen to a picture of nature, your favorite sports team or something else that is pleasant.
5: Use your breaks to their full advantage.
Contrary to the corporate mindset, extended time at your desk does not increase productivity. Long stretches of concentrated work demand that your brain and body recharge, and you should be doing so.
6: Create special interest groups.
Incorporate passionate endeavors into the workplace by forming a group with likeminded people. Create a fantasy football group, exercise group, political or current events group, etc…
7: Have a potluck.
Regardless of what anyone says, food is fun. People love preparing food that they know will be enjoyed and appreciated by their coworkers.
8: Have Team-building events.
Find a way to get out of the office and enjoy each other’s company. This brings your group closer together and provides a nice boost to morale and productivity.
9: Celebrate milestones and successes.
People love recognition for a job well done and for their loyalty. Concentrate your resources and provide a small cash bonus or some kind of memento that shows appreciation for that individual’s efforts.
10: Prizes for production.
When a coworker achieves or does something beyond the normal scope of their duties, such as making the first sale of the day or staying a half-hour late for their team, have some small prizes for them to choose from.
11: Work for yourself, either on the side or full-time.
Consider doing enjoyable freelance work or starting your own business from home. There are many ways to earn an income, or even multiple incomes, on your own schedule and your own terms.
12: Have a charity day.
There’s something to be said about a workplace that gives back to the community. Consider a paid day where staff can get out of the office and contribute something to the greater good.
13: Send funnies around.
Send out an email with a good (appropriate!) joke and watch the tension and stuffiness of the workplace diminish. This reinforces the important element of humor in the workplace…and it is important.
14: Supervisor roasting.
This is a blast. Managers are unique in that eyes are constantly on them, and as a result so are their little quirks. Have a day where a good-natured manager can take a little ribbing and share some laughs with their team.
15: Teammate roasting.
This, too, is a blast. While not quite as fun or fulfilling as roasting a manager, some good-natured humor directed at your teammate is a good morale booster.
16: Have a welcome committee.
When new team members join, have them fill out some fun information about themselves (favorite sports team, hobby, TV show, anything), and have the committee take them out to lunch or surprise them with fun stuff for their workspace.
17: Pick your own schedule.
For team members that deliver excellent results, let them pick their own schedule for the week or the month.
18: Games, games, games.
Some workplaces have video game systems, table tennis, or foosball tables available for people to play on their breaks and lunches, and as a reward for excellent production. This is a huge morale booster and keeps the workplace productive and fun.
19: Have a movie day.
It’s simple to set up a TV and DVD player, so gather the team or the workplace around and watch a flick. From experience, this is a fun and productive event. Comedies are awesome, as the team can share and enjoy some laughter – another important part of having fun in the workplace.
20: Take fun seriously.
Kind of a paradox, yes; but workplaces that mix fun stuff into their workplaces are healthier, more productive, and distinguish themselves from the grind that so many other employers put their workers through. Taking the idea of fun in the workplace as a serious notion, either by yourself or as a team, brings happiness and joy to a place where it is much-needed.
1: Listen to music.
If practical, bring some headphones or portable stereo with you to work. If someone complains, tell them to consider this: researchers at the University of Illinois found that people who listened to music while doing complex analytical work or administrative tasks increased their productivity.
2: Fung Shui your workspace.
Energize and organize your workspace by doing some of all of the following: use colored post-its or paper clips, stack your baskets, use color-coded folders, get a small plant or flower, or have pictures and other inspirational stuff around.
3: Have a stress ball or something else to play with.
If you work on a computer or talk to people all day, it can get boring and stressful real quick. Having something pliable in your hand, like a stress ball, can help ease the boredom.
4: Change your screensaver.
Instead of your company logo, change the computer screen to a picture of nature, your favorite sports team or something else that is pleasant.
5: Use your breaks to their full advantage.
Contrary to the corporate mindset, extended time at your desk does not increase productivity. Long stretches of concentrated work demand that your brain and body recharge, and you should be doing so.
6: Create special interest groups.
Incorporate passionate endeavors into the workplace by forming a group with likeminded people. Create a fantasy football group, exercise group, political or current events group, etc…
7: Have a potluck.
Regardless of what anyone says, food is fun. People love preparing food that they know will be enjoyed and appreciated by their coworkers.
8: Have Team-building events.
Find a way to get out of the office and enjoy each other’s company. This brings your group closer together and provides a nice boost to morale and productivity.
9: Celebrate milestones and successes.
People love recognition for a job well done and for their loyalty. Concentrate your resources and provide a small cash bonus or some kind of memento that shows appreciation for that individual’s efforts.
10: Prizes for production.
When a coworker achieves or does something beyond the normal scope of their duties, such as making the first sale of the day or staying a half-hour late for their team, have some small prizes for them to choose from.
11: Work for yourself, either on the side or full-time.
Consider doing enjoyable freelance work or starting your own business from home. There are many ways to earn an income, or even multiple incomes, on your own schedule and your own terms.
12: Have a charity day.
There’s something to be said about a workplace that gives back to the community. Consider a paid day where staff can get out of the office and contribute something to the greater good.
13: Send funnies around.
Send out an email with a good (appropriate!) joke and watch the tension and stuffiness of the workplace diminish. This reinforces the important element of humor in the workplace…and it is important.
14: Supervisor roasting.
This is a blast. Managers are unique in that eyes are constantly on them, and as a result so are their little quirks. Have a day where a good-natured manager can take a little ribbing and share some laughs with their team.
15: Teammate roasting.
This, too, is a blast. While not quite as fun or fulfilling as roasting a manager, some good-natured humor directed at your teammate is a good morale booster.
16: Have a welcome committee.
When new team members join, have them fill out some fun information about themselves (favorite sports team, hobby, TV show, anything), and have the committee take them out to lunch or surprise them with fun stuff for their workspace.
17: Pick your own schedule.
For team members that deliver excellent results, let them pick their own schedule for the week or the month.
18: Games, games, games.
Some workplaces have video game systems, table tennis, or foosball tables available for people to play on their breaks and lunches, and as a reward for excellent production. This is a huge morale booster and keeps the workplace productive and fun.
19: Have a movie day.
It’s simple to set up a TV and DVD player, so gather the team or the workplace around and watch a flick. From experience, this is a fun and productive event. Comedies are awesome, as the team can share and enjoy some laughter – another important part of having fun in the workplace.
20: Take fun seriously.
Kind of a paradox, yes; but workplaces that mix fun stuff into their workplaces are healthier, more productive, and distinguish themselves from the grind that so many other employers put their workers through. Taking the idea of fun in the workplace as a serious notion, either by yourself or as a team, brings happiness and joy to a place where it is much-needed.
How do you know if it’s truly love or just lust?
Sometimes our heart and mind get so caught up that it’s hard to tell the difference. In the moment, we feel so amazing that sometimes we just don’t care. But, it’s important to be careful. A broken heart can be devastating. Especially if you allow yourself to fall in love with the wrong person (in that case check out Karen Salmansohn’s book “Prince Harming Syndrome”). Or, if you develop strong feelings for someone who doesn’t desire the same level of commitment.
Any and all situations can arise, but we specifically want to help you determine if it’s truly love or just lust.
How to Tell If It’s LOVE. . . or Just Lust
First, it’s important to know exactly what both are and what they aren’t.
Real, true, unconditional LOVE is an intense feeling of affection – it’s fondness, warmth, attachment and endearment in the most intense and powerful way. True love forms a strong emotional attachment. It withstands troubles, problems, imperfections and upset.
Lust is simply a very strong sexual desire. Lust revolves completely around attraction and sex. While lust is needed for love, love is not needed for lust. It can feel very powerful and usually it does. ;) But, it cannot withstand time. It’s not unconditional and it will fade.
This may contribute to today’s divorce rate. You’ve got to be careful not to allow lust to dominate the relationship when love is truly the driving force for a beautiful, lasting relationship.
To fall in love, you must be willing to accept that person at their very best and worst. You get to know them fully and see them for who they truly are. You learn about their past and talk about their aspirations for the future. If together you see yourself as a perfect fit and can truly visualize your life together, you may be falling in love.
When you truly fall in love, it’s mutual. You are both head over heels for each other. Falling in love doesn’t mean your life will always be easy. Because, truthfully, it can get tough. But, you can be tough together (trust me you’ll need to be).
You know you’re in love when you. . .
– Fall in LOVE with someone who absolutely adores YOU – who cherishes you fully and embraces your imperfections.
– Fall in LOVE with someone you can’t stop thinking about. ;)
– Fall in LOVE with someone who you love with your whole heart.
– Fall in LOVE with someone that you think is absolutely, all-over-the-place SEXY – mind, body & soul!
– Fall in LOVE with someone who cares about your happiness and listens openly about your feelings.
– Fall in LOVE with someone you admire and who admires you.
– Fall in LOVE with someone that finishes your sentences and compliments who you are.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who makes you feel like you’re the most amazing person in the whole world.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who has strengths in areas that you need improvement. Many of the best relationships are people who are complete opposites.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who you get lost in conversation with (for hours at a time)!
– Fall in LOVE with someone who makes you want to be a better person and can help you do that.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who WANTS to meet your closest friends and family, and then accepts you even after that.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who you hold a deep romantic passion for. In fact, they are the only one you desire!
The TRUTH is when you fall in love, you aren’t choosing lust or love. You are creating a balance of the two. Both are needed for a successful, long lasting relationship. Cheers to you and your relationship success! <3
Finish the sentence: “Fall in LOVE with someone . . . “
Any and all situations can arise, but we specifically want to help you determine if it’s truly love or just lust.
How to Tell If It’s LOVE. . . or Just Lust
First, it’s important to know exactly what both are and what they aren’t.
Real, true, unconditional LOVE is an intense feeling of affection – it’s fondness, warmth, attachment and endearment in the most intense and powerful way. True love forms a strong emotional attachment. It withstands troubles, problems, imperfections and upset.
Lust is simply a very strong sexual desire. Lust revolves completely around attraction and sex. While lust is needed for love, love is not needed for lust. It can feel very powerful and usually it does. ;) But, it cannot withstand time. It’s not unconditional and it will fade.
This may contribute to today’s divorce rate. You’ve got to be careful not to allow lust to dominate the relationship when love is truly the driving force for a beautiful, lasting relationship.
To fall in love, you must be willing to accept that person at their very best and worst. You get to know them fully and see them for who they truly are. You learn about their past and talk about their aspirations for the future. If together you see yourself as a perfect fit and can truly visualize your life together, you may be falling in love.
When you truly fall in love, it’s mutual. You are both head over heels for each other. Falling in love doesn’t mean your life will always be easy. Because, truthfully, it can get tough. But, you can be tough together (trust me you’ll need to be).
You know you’re in love when you. . .
– Fall in LOVE with someone who absolutely adores YOU – who cherishes you fully and embraces your imperfections.
– Fall in LOVE with someone you can’t stop thinking about. ;)
– Fall in LOVE with someone who you love with your whole heart.
– Fall in LOVE with someone that you think is absolutely, all-over-the-place SEXY – mind, body & soul!
– Fall in LOVE with someone who cares about your happiness and listens openly about your feelings.
– Fall in LOVE with someone you admire and who admires you.
– Fall in LOVE with someone that finishes your sentences and compliments who you are.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who makes you feel like you’re the most amazing person in the whole world.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who has strengths in areas that you need improvement. Many of the best relationships are people who are complete opposites.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who you get lost in conversation with (for hours at a time)!
– Fall in LOVE with someone who makes you want to be a better person and can help you do that.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who WANTS to meet your closest friends and family, and then accepts you even after that.
– Fall in LOVE with someone who you hold a deep romantic passion for. In fact, they are the only one you desire!
The TRUTH is when you fall in love, you aren’t choosing lust or love. You are creating a balance of the two. Both are needed for a successful, long lasting relationship. Cheers to you and your relationship success! <3
Finish the sentence: “Fall in LOVE with someone . . . “
Friday, April 10, 2015
Habits Happy People Have It’s time to program new thoughts and habits with the affirmations below to help bring you what you DO want as opposed to what you don’t want.
Here are Affirmations to Help you Build Positive Self-Talk
How to make positive self-talk a habit with these affirmations:
Put up post-it notes around your house where you’ll see them often. It’s critical that you constantly remind yourself of your favorite positive affirmations every day, in all situations until they become a habit and your co-creative ability is flowing naturally. Shine ON!
Here are Affirmations to Help you Build Positive Self-Talk
- All is always well.
- I am confident and capable.
- I attract positive people in my life.
- I know who I am and I am enough.
- The positive energy around me is continuously expanding.
- I choose to be present and mindful right now.
- I am grateful for my miraculous life.
- I choose to think positive thoughts that serve me.
- I fulfill the promises I make to myself and others.
- I love sharing my happiness with everyone around me.
- I feel energetic and so alive.
- I am in control of the way I respond to the behavior of others.
- I have the will. I have the way.
- I am love, peace, hope, joy, truth and positive, radiant light!
- I forgive and release. I am filling my heart and mind with love.
- All of my needs are met. I thrive from where I am right now.
- I inhale positivity and exhale negativity.
- I fuel my body with health and activity.
- I am talented, creative and successful.
- Like the waves of an ocean, peace washes over me; cleansing and rejuvenating my spirit.
- I choose to reach for a better feeling.
- I grow stronger every day.
- I speak kindly to myself and others.
- My life is unfolding perfectly.
- I choose to see everyone as an opportunity and search for solutions.
How to make positive self-talk a habit with these affirmations:
Put up post-it notes around your house where you’ll see them often. It’s critical that you constantly remind yourself of your favorite positive affirmations every day, in all situations until they become a habit and your co-creative ability is flowing naturally. Shine ON!
Happy people (But Never Talk About)
1. Happy people don’t need acceptance.
In our culture, it’s often about your “inner circle.” It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.
Wrong. For many happy people, they are simply themselves, and through their infectious, radiant energy they attract other happy people.
Happy people don’t need to fit in with the crowd or change so that others will like them. They live and are guided by who they truly are and don’t need others to accept them.
2. Happy people embrace the temporary.
Happy people enjoy the ride and accept the bumps in the road that come along with it. They do so because they know that life is short and that things always work out. Besides, they are too busy excitedly awaiting the next good thing to come along anyways.
Jobs, relationships, and circumstances all come and go. In the meantime, happy people seek out their next adventure, learn and make the most of it.
Happy people are not only gregarious, loving people, but they are also passionate about their dreams and tough-minded. They take hits in stride. They don’t settle for excuses or problems, they create solutions. Their dreams are far too important!
They deeply care about their hopes, dreams, and goals. Ask a happy person what they want out of life. Most times, they will have an immediate answer. Happy people are driven, passionate and creative individuals with a positive end goal in mind that is usually for the betterment of not only themselves but for humanity and a better future.
One tip though. . . Don’t get in the way of that dream. They may take their happy face off for a minute or two.
Well, maybe not. But, they surely won’t let you stand in their way.
4. Happy people embrace equality.
There are people among us who have a pedestal and tend to look down on and criticize others. They look for other’s faults like theirs a reward for it, as Zig Ziglar once said.
But, truly happy people are completely different. They treat other people as equals, regardless of differences.
Look at some of the revolutionaries that have lived amongst us. The Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa… the list goes on. Do you notice a characteristic that is common among them all? They were ALL for equality. They were also optimistic and loving people who went to any level to help others.
We are all one, and happy people know it.
5. Happy people put themselves first.
Putting yourself first is important. Our society needs to re-evaluate the misconstrued belief about this. We aren’t referring to being selfish, greedy and “Numero Uno”.
We are talking about healthy self-care. Happy people love and take care of themselves because that is the only way that they can show up for other people.
It’s true!
By constantly sacrificing your own needs, you cannot true and fully take care of others. Happy people know this and have to put themselves first once in a while to show their best selves and be of service to others.
6. Happy people don’t worry about money.
Many of the happiest people in the world are just average people with modest means. They take pleasures in the small, free things like the weather, their family and friends, good food, a good book, the ability to walk, clean water, and the list goes on…
Happy people understand that money is just a form of energy and there is always enough provided at all times. Money creates more freedom, but happy know that they truly don’t need money to be happy – it’s just an added bonus.
No matter how much they have, there is never lack – there is always enough. Happy people don’t talk about money problems, even if they have less than everyone else.
Most happy people don’t lust money. Lusting is greed. They may welcome more, but they don’t allow the worry for more to consume their life so much that they can’t enjoy where they are right now.
7. Happy people make small differences every day.
One of the greatest things about happy people is that they often do little things every day that make themselves and other people better and happier. They see humanity as something that needs to be improved, and they perform whatever deeds necessary to do so.
Happy people have daily habits that are positive and they strive to live every day this way, because they understand that overall small differences make a BIG difference. Happy people truly enjoy making a difference. J
Ever notice when you are particularly giddy, you are more likely to leave a bigger tip, smile, or make someones day?
This is perhaps the best thing about happy people: they make these small differences every day, all day.
They smile at the stranger looking down, they leave the tip for the waitress struggling to make ends meet, and they embrace and support the friend that is hurting.
The insightfulness of happy people is truly something to behold, and it can be summarized easily: Happy people are consistently positive in all ways!
Ways to Live a Simple Life
In our daily lives, we often rush through tasks, trying to get them done, trying to finish as much as we can each day, speeding along in our cars to our next destination, rushing to do what we need to do there, and then leaving so that we can speed to our next destination.
Unfortunately, it’s often not until we approach our final destination that we realize what madness this all is. At the end of the day, we’re often exhausted and stressed out from the grind and the chaos and the business of the day. We don’t have time for what’s important to us, for what we really want to be doing, for spending time with loved ones, for doing things we’re passionate about.
Here are Ways You Can Start to Live a Simple Life.
Unfortunately, it’s often not until we approach our final destination that we realize what madness this all is. At the end of the day, we’re often exhausted and stressed out from the grind and the chaos and the business of the day. We don’t have time for what’s important to us, for what we really want to be doing, for spending time with loved ones, for doing things we’re passionate about.
Here are Ways You Can Start to Live a Simple Life.
- Don’t spend money on things you don’t really need.
- Avoid debts, if at all possible.
- Have a garage sale to get rid of old junk you don’t use.
- Buy a bike instead of a car (you’ll save money on insurance, gas, repairs, a car note, and maintenance).
- Avoid costly medical bills by adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet.
- Prep meals for the week ahead of time.
- Make your own beauty and hygiene products at home.
- Make your own cleaning products (you’ll avoid harmful chemicals and spend less).
- Only keep the clothes you actually wear, and give away the rest.
- Live in a smaller home
- (If you’re really feeling up to it) Live off-the-grid (or get grid-adjacent) to reduce or get rid of electric, gas, and water bills.
- Start a garden, compost your food, and cut down on your weekly grocery bill.
- Every time you buy something new, get rid of something old.
- Have designated days to do laundry.
- Drop your cell phone plan, and use the Wi-Fi in your home or Internet cafes instead.
- Live closer to nature.
- Buy a fluoride filter for your entire house so you don’t have to buy jugs on non-fluoridated water.
- Live within your means.
- Adopt an attitude of gratitude.
- Smile like you mean it.
- Avoid drama.
- Unplug everything when you’re not using it.
- Have a set time each day to check social media (and stick to it).
- Cancel your cable bill if you rarely watch TV.
- Spend time outdoors as much as possible.
- Let go of the past, and live in the present.
- Create your future, but don’t worry about what’s to come.
- Meditate daily.
- Exercise often.
- Try to use natural remedies for ailments when possible.
- Give items you don’t use to the homeless or poor.
- Don’t leave lights on when you’re not home.
- Try to buy energy-efficient appliances.
- Buy high-quality items that won’t need replacing often.
- Automate your bill payments.
- Reduce credit cards.
- Don’t charge anything you can’t pay back quickly.
- Listen more than you talk.
- Work less. :)
- Laugh at least 30 times a day.
- Take relaxing baths in Epsom salt and lavender oil.
- Have friends who inspire you.
- Distance yourself from energy vampires.
- Write down your goals, and go after them.
- Don’t wait for things to happen; make them happen.
- Pack what you need for a flight in a carry-on bag only to avoid baggage fees.
- Consider buying a used car instead of new.
- Downsize when you can.
- Become a warrior, not a worrier.
- Turn your passion into your job.
- See if you can work from home if possible.
- Don’t overbook your life.
- Spend at least one day a week entirely in nature.
- Speak gently to people.
- Make your own dog or cat food for pets (cheaper and healthier).
- Buy locally grown produce.
- Only buy new things when old things break.
- Shred old papers you don’t need.
- Avoid letting your emails pile up.
- Organize your computer files.
- Limit your time on social media.
- Go with the flow.
- Tackle problems before they get out of hand.
- Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
- Don’t chase perfection; embrace imperfections.
- Have a home gym to avoid paying for a gym membership.
- Or, make nature your gym. :)
- Make to-do lists.
- Simply SMILE.
- Forgive and forget.
- Make your own baby food if you have young children.
- Let your kids play in nature (it’s free) rather than buying them tons of toys.
- Move to another country where the cost of living is cheaper.
- Try to eliminate bills where you can.
- Buy bundled services (phone and internet).
- Check emails only a couple times a day.
- Pack minimally for trips.
- Eat at home more.
- Wash dishes right after you eat so they don’t pile up.
- Love everyone.
- Do all your errands in one go.
- Buy clothing that will last.
- Make a grocery list before you go shopping.
- Have only a couple of email addresses.
- Always tell the truth.
- Follow your heart.
- Appreciate the little things in life.
- Practice positive thinking!
- Give up alcohol and cigarettes (you’ll save money and your health).
- Wake up with the sun to get more done. :)
- Be productive.
- Go to college only if you want to, not because you think you have to.
- Become a self-taught learner, and seek information online.
- Do what you enjoy, avoid what you don’t.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- Delegate some chores to your kids or spouse.
- Don’t take on more work than you can do.
- Stay humble.
- Keep an open mind.
- Carpool to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on gas.
- (BONUS): Live your life in a way that makes you happiest!
Friday, March 13, 2015
Forgiveness is The Gift You Give Yourself:
1. Forgiveness can bring you a renewed peaceful spirit.
When you forgive others, even those who severely did you wrong, you find yourself feeling more positive overall and less stressed. You may even experience health benefits like lower blood pressure. It’s important to forgive others, not because they deserve your forgiveness, but because YOU deserve peace. You deserve to feel renewed and healed; and you will. Just forgive. . .
2. Forgivenesss allows you to move in the direction of your goals.
When someone hurts or offends you, negative feelings of bitterness or revenge are created. Don’t let yourself pay the price over and over. Oftentimes, the focus on the past and the hurt will keep you from enjoying the wonders of today and the potential of tomorrow. Although you may think you’re a great multi-tasker (and you may be), your mind can only focus on one thing. When you allow yourself to forgive others immediately, you can focus on what truly matters, your goals, dreams and life purpose.
3. Forgiveness can bring more LOVE into your life.
Many act out in negative ways to somehow fulfill a desire for love and attention. When we forgive, we acknowledge that we are all imperfect and that we all make mistakes. With this new open-minded and compassionate perspective, we can learn to easily forgive and send well wishes to even those we feel you should “hate”.
Forgiving others is about releasing the role of being the victim. When you no longer see yourself as a victim, you will find people in turn treat you better and there is less need to forgive. You have opened your life up to more love and expanded your consciousness to a higher frequency of love. Oohhh la la . . . :)
4. Forgiveness allows you to have more understanding and compassion.
Embracing forgiveness is wonderful and can lead to positive feelings of understanding, compassion and empathy for the one who upset you. Believe it or not, everyone is doing the best they can, with what they have, where they are. We are all truly positive, loving beings by nature. Although, it doesn’t always appear that way, that is our true intention at heart.
With so much hurt in the world, it can be hard to see it that way. We want to point blame and hold grudges. But, if we can see life as our school and ourselves as students then, in some way, everyone is a teacher.
This new perspective allows us to take the pain and transcend it into a lesson. Then, you no longer have to keep repeating the same pain. Everyone is brought into our lives to teach us something. What can the one your hate teach you right now, so you can release it and forgive?
5. Forgiveness allows us to take control of our own happiness.
Law of Attraction enthusiasts know that like attracts like and that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. We always have the ability to take control of our own happiness and life when we take responsibility for our emotions.
No matter the chaos around us, when we can stay centered from the inside and make wise and mature decisions (like forgiveness), we pave a life filled with happiness and love. On the contrary, if we allows others to steal our peace and rob us of our joy, we are essentially giving them the drivers seat in our life.
Forgiveness is a lifestyle commitment. It’s letting go every day and letting happiness in.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Three life lessons we can learn from our pets
Pets are amazing companions who show us true, unconditional love. In return, we give them a home, teach them new tricks and provide a special place in our hearts. While we think we are teaching them about life, these loving little beings are actually showing us life lessons on how to love, stay peaceful, and have fun!
Practice unconditional love and loyalty
Pets are happy, loyal creatures. They are not judgmental and they don’t care what you wear or how you look. When you are feeling down or ill they are right by your side. They emit pure positive energy and unconditional love. They enjoy every moment with you as if it were truly the greatest gift. When you come home, your pets will greet you at the door and show you just how much they missed you (even if it were only an hour).
Pets are truly masters of unconditional love. Their compassion and loyalty can literally heal us of our emotional and physical wounds. In fact, scientific research is actually showing that animals make us happier and healthier. You can read more here about how animals and humans heal each other.
Live in the Now
Pets lead a simple life. They can sit back, enjoy a drive to the park with their owners and take in the breeze on the way. They truly live in the NOW with calmness and peace in most situations. They seize the day and don’t let worry run their life.
Pets also take advantage of the simple things in life, like naps. How many times do you catch your furry friend sleeping? (haha) Speaking of naps, have you noticed the refreshing stretches afterwards too? They will yawn and stretch as if to take in every oxygen cell around them. Afterwards, they are stimulated and ready to go.
To LIVE in the NOW is one of life’s most important lessons and while we humans are still trying to figure it all out and do the best we can to be conscious of it, pets already have it figure out. They live in the now effortlessly and bring a depth of peace and wellness one cannot truly even describe; it must be felt.
Be fun and spontaneous
it’s one thing you can always expect from your pet, it is them loving who they are. Our pets are spontaneous and if they want to play, they will. Laughter is the best medicine and your pets know it too. They’ll wag their tails about and if they sense you are enjoying their humorous nature, they will continue to put a smile on your face by repeating their positive behavior. They’ll even do something to make you smile if they sense you’re in need. Enjoying play with your pets also has positive side-effects! Playtime can enhance your social skills, increase your energy level, and free your mind. You may even solve life’s most compelling puzzle when playing with a pet.
Practice unconditional love and loyalty
Pets are happy, loyal creatures. They are not judgmental and they don’t care what you wear or how you look. When you are feeling down or ill they are right by your side. They emit pure positive energy and unconditional love. They enjoy every moment with you as if it were truly the greatest gift. When you come home, your pets will greet you at the door and show you just how much they missed you (even if it were only an hour).
Pets are truly masters of unconditional love. Their compassion and loyalty can literally heal us of our emotional and physical wounds. In fact, scientific research is actually showing that animals make us happier and healthier. You can read more here about how animals and humans heal each other.
Live in the Now
Pets lead a simple life. They can sit back, enjoy a drive to the park with their owners and take in the breeze on the way. They truly live in the NOW with calmness and peace in most situations. They seize the day and don’t let worry run their life.
Pets also take advantage of the simple things in life, like naps. How many times do you catch your furry friend sleeping? (haha) Speaking of naps, have you noticed the refreshing stretches afterwards too? They will yawn and stretch as if to take in every oxygen cell around them. Afterwards, they are stimulated and ready to go.
To LIVE in the NOW is one of life’s most important lessons and while we humans are still trying to figure it all out and do the best we can to be conscious of it, pets already have it figure out. They live in the now effortlessly and bring a depth of peace and wellness one cannot truly even describe; it must be felt.
Be fun and spontaneous
it’s one thing you can always expect from your pet, it is them loving who they are. Our pets are spontaneous and if they want to play, they will. Laughter is the best medicine and your pets know it too. They’ll wag their tails about and if they sense you are enjoying their humorous nature, they will continue to put a smile on your face by repeating their positive behavior. They’ll even do something to make you smile if they sense you’re in need. Enjoying play with your pets also has positive side-effects! Playtime can enhance your social skills, increase your energy level, and free your mind. You may even solve life’s most compelling puzzle when playing with a pet.
Transform your life with Simple Positive Affirmations
Positive Affirmations Work
We all have our own self talk, and the truth is that it is not always positive. We’re affirming statements about ourselves and the condition of our life with every thought and word we speak. This is a daily habit that we practice subconsciously. To some degree, we are all using positive affirmations every day.
As we begin to think about specific thoughts, over and over again, they become beliefs. We speak about these beliefs to others and even create the stories we tell from those beliefs. Soon enough, these beliefs become reality – and, the more we think and speak about them the realer they become. The condition of our health, wealth, relationships, etc. depends upon our habit of perception.
When we change the perception of ourselves and our life to a more positive view consistently, our life TRANSFORMS. We are crafting ourselves and our future by the words we speak every single day. Instead of waiting for a miracle to come along and change our life, we need to take charge and start changing it right now.
This may seem unrealistic to some, but practicing positive affirmations is life-changing. It’s simple, and it’s free, it just takes commitment and dedication. It starts with taking conscious control of our thoughts and habitually transforming self destructive, negative thoughts into positive affirmations.
An affirmation is simply positive self talk or a statement we say about ourselves or our life phrased in the present tense as if it were true. When you find yourself caught in a negative thought pattern, just stop and immediately replace it with an opposite statement.
For example:
“I need to lose weight.” Becomes “I can release weight easily.”
“I can’t afford that.” Becomes “I can find a better deal.”
“I can’t save money.” Becomes “I can easily save money.”
“I’ll never meet the right partner.” Becomes “I am open to find the perfect mate.”
“I look horrible. I hate myself.” Becomes “I love myself unconditionally.”
As a mom, I have PBS on for my daughter. While I am writing this I hear, “When something seems bad, turn it around. Find something good.” on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Yes, it is really that easy. It’s all about shifting focus from the negative to the positive. Even if it is small steps at a time. When you make it a conscious habit, your begin making bigger and bigger changes over time.
”The most crucial aspect of positive affirmations is your feeling. When you say the affirmation pay attention to what “feelings” are coming up.
Affirmations work to help us change. In fact, they make change easier. They are the seeds we plant that eventually bloom – the more we take care, the better yield. Often times we think that action will solve our problems, and while action is critical to change, alone it will not provide real, lasting change.
For the best results, you must first get into an agreement in mind and then follow with action. Having a positive outlook is vital to reaching your goals. Sometimes, when we start, we are so far from our goal that it is not easy to maintain a positive perspective. That is why positive affirmations are imperative. They are the catalyst for change.
Positive affirmations are so simple that they can be overlooked
In fact, they are defined as simple, positive phrases that an individual repeats to themselves, with full belief that it is the case, whether presently true or not. The purpose of repeating affirmations is to build a sense of self-confidence. You use these phrases to tell yourself what you want or where you want to be in the future. Even if you do not currently believe the phrase at the moment, with practice you will.
The most crucial aspect of positive affirmations is your feeling. When you say the affirmation pay attention to what “feelings” are coming up. Your feelings are your emotional guidance system and are your indicators to where you are in regards to your affirmation or statement of intention. The better you feel about each statement the closer you are to achieving it. You want to feel good about it deep inside. Most people give up and go back to old ways before they see change. However, the strong and determined individual will prevail. Ultimately it comes down to this basic question, “How much do you want change?”
“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, every day until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action.” – Og Mandino
Positive affirmations remove negative thoughts and replace them with more positive, good feeling ones. An easy way to see affirmations working in your life is to create a list of areas in your life that you’d like to see improve. Write down thoughts and beliefs you have about each area. When you ready, begin writing more positive statements. Even if you need to take small steps and write a series of positive affirmations until you reach your goal – that’s okay. Everyone is different, and you know yourself best. When you feel really good about a particular affirmation you’ll begin to see the results in your outer world.
Many times people get excited about affirmations and want to use them but have a hard ask believe receive 3time coming up with their own, so they give up. These are the exact people that need them the most. Typically, when a person has trouble coming up with a list of positive affirmations it is because they have extremely low self-esteem and have trouble seeing anything positive about their lives.
Follow the Leaders
If you are new to positive affirmations the best place to start is following the leaders like Louise Hay. She has phenomenal simple affirmations that will help you without having to write your own. Choose her affirmations that resonate with you. Louise Hay is a truly inspiring woman and has blessed and change the lives of millions. She is the founder of Hay House and is one of the top motivational authors in the world. I personally have her books, dvds, affirmation cards and itunes apps. I love all of her products, but especially the apps because they are so handy and I can access her material right from my phone.
I’ve been using affirmations for years now to transform my life, and I would also be happy to help you. Please feel free to comment below about the area in your life that you’d like to see more abundance. I’ll help you craft the perfect affirmations. I feel my purpose here is to help others change their life and overcome obstacles to live their best life. I’d also love to hear from you if positive affirmations have changed your life. I love connecting with like-minded individuals, and I love hearing others success stories.
For me personally, affirmations have helped me to release weight (a lot of it too), overcome depression, dramatically increase my income, live my passion, improve all of my relationships, have a natural, drug free childbirth (my proudest accomplishment by the way), conquer panic attacks, and love myself more. My list could go on and on. So, when someone tells me that positive affirmations do not work, I know that they just aren’t truly making them a conscious daily habit.
I’ll be writing more about the benefits of positive affirmations and specific ways to make the most of them next week. Please do post your comments below – I am looking forward to hearing about your journey and success!
How to Know It’s Time to Grow
Thoughts about life and personal growth welled up as I replaced our daughter’s car seat with one that would be more comfortable for her as she grew. Our little girl was growing up fast and it seemed like only yesterday I had put that original car seat in.
As I completed the new installation, thoughts of the snake that sheds its old skin, or the butterfly that breaks free from its cocoon quickly bubbled to the surface. A reflection on life had been staring me right in the eyes the whole time.
How does a car seat connect with personal growth?
As children get older, many things (car seats included) need to grow right along with them in order to help facilitate that growth. To watch a child grow and expand (which happens very quickly, by the way), makes you think about your own personal growth as well.
As a parent, there are moments that give you a glimpse into the future, or a memory from the past. Parenthood also gives you the ultimate perspective that our physical lives are absolutely limited, and we have to do what we can with the time we’ve got. You see, the car seat was a perfect representation that growth happens, and sometimes it happens like it or not.
Maybe you’re comfortably nestled in and happy with where you are in life. You’ve released your full potential, but that’s ok, as long as you’re happy. True happiness is true wealth and the key to living the life YOU desire.
But what if you’re not comfortable?
What if you feel a tension inside that’s holding you back from where you want to be? If you feel it (and we’ve all felt it at some point), it’s time to grow, and release what’s prohibited you from reaching your peak. But you’ve got to be willing to get uncomfortable and start letting go of your current reality. If you’re really ready to grow, you’ve got to accept and look forward to what could be, not what is.
When growth happens from the inside, the outside becomes unstable. Not because we’re acting in an unstable manner from our desire to change, but because the outside cannot stay as it is if the inside is changing. It will eventually change with us or be released from our experience, this is law. The world around us is simply a reflection of the world within us.personal-growth
Sometimes, you’ve got to shed that old skin if you want growth to happen. You’ve got to break out of that comfortable cocoon that’s housed you all this time. Even the mightiest of redwoods would be but a bonsai if never freed from its restrictive planter.
So ask yourself, “Is there something still out there that calls me? What in the world do I still want to experience?” and if an answer comes to mind, congratulations! You’re still alive and have time to do it. Start today. Start now. You’ve got one go-around in this body and you might as well continue to grow until the sun stops shining!
Friday, January 30, 2015
Spirituality Can Save Your Relationship
Most of us believe in some “Higher Power” greater than ourselves;
call it God, Mother Earth, the Universe, Nature, Energy or something
else. We see this tremendously complex, massive and elaborate place
called Earth and often contemplate our role within it.
As we continue through our lives, the desire to live a spiritual existence often follows. Though we may follow different spiritual paths, most of us pray, worship, and choose to believe in some transcendentally higher purpose. This can certainly impact our relationships, as we often desire share these spiritual elements of our lives with our significant other.
There are numerous dynamics in our relationships, but spirituality does seem to play a primary role for many couples. The reasons for spiritual connectedness differ, but one common element is the thinking that it may empower and sustain the relationship itself. This makes sense, as spirituality is commonly associated with feelings of peace, harmony, love, and presence – elements that are often missing from intimate relationships.
Many of us do, in fact, choose to pursue our spiritual journey with a beloved someone. Research shows that those who do seemingly experience an enhanced quality of life. The benefits of many spiritually connected couples includes: economic success, a longer lifespan, better physical health, and a more stable, productive environment for children.
But why is belief a stabilizing factor in relationships? Is there something to the notion that a “family that prays together, stays together”?
Researchers found that about 40 percent of African-Americans, 29 percent of whites, and 29 percent of Hispanics attended religious services with their significant other on a regular basis.
Outside of the study, white couples have been recorded as having more satisfactory relationships. However, this gap narrows when taking into account religious or spiritual connection. In other words, non-whites that share a spiritual connection often have deeper relationships than Caucasians.
Bradford Wilcox, co-author and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, states: “What this study suggests is that religion is one of the key factors narrowing the racial divide in relationship quality in the United States.”
According to Lisa Miller, professor and director of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University: “The new study links this extremely large protective benefit of spirituality or religion to previous studies which identified large expanses of the cortical thinning in specific regions of the brain…at risk for major depression.”
Taking into account that depression is one of the major causes of divorce, the results of this study are immensely important. The devoted are apparently better equipped biologically to counteract the precursors of depression, which can have a positive impact on the emotional satisfaction one derives from their relationship.
The participant groups – 316 college students and 205 married, African-American couples – demonstrated similar results in relationship commitment and satisfaction. The couples also reported feeling more confident in the stability of their relationship.
The same can be said for how people measure the effectiveness of spiritual or religious practice within a relationship. Do these practices make a difference in how couples treat one another? Research says “yes.”
In the Journal of Family Psychology, 164 married couples who were about to have their first child – a very stressful event – were tested to see if proclaimed spirituality had a real (non-anecdotal) effect on the relationship.
Interactions between the couples were recorded on four occasions: during late pregnancy stages, and the baby’s age at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. The couples were required to rate both their own and their partner’s spiritually intimate behaviors during these times, while giving their viewpoint on the sanctity of their marriage.
After analyzing both the behaviors and ratings of each couple, there was ‘noted positive behaviors such as mutual problem solving, asking for the other person’s point of view, affection, and shared humor.’ “Spiritual intimacy is very, very important and undeniably a construct that matters,” says Dr. Annette Mahoney, psychology professor at Bowling Green State University and the study’s lead author.
– Connect with yourself and the world.
– Expand your support network.
– Feel a sense of purpose.
– Have a healthier life.
– Release control.
You’ll notice that each of these plays a direct role in our relationships. Health, connectedness, purpose, control, and support are all applicable in how healthy (or unhealthy) your relationships are.
More importantly, in relieving stress through spiritual or religious practices, you diminish the likelihood that stress will negatively impact your relationship. Spirituality does this by nurturing your relationship and creating a deeper understanding and appreciation of your loved one.
As we continue through our lives, the desire to live a spiritual existence often follows. Though we may follow different spiritual paths, most of us pray, worship, and choose to believe in some transcendentally higher purpose. This can certainly impact our relationships, as we often desire share these spiritual elements of our lives with our significant other.
There are numerous dynamics in our relationships, but spirituality does seem to play a primary role for many couples. The reasons for spiritual connectedness differ, but one common element is the thinking that it may empower and sustain the relationship itself. This makes sense, as spirituality is commonly associated with feelings of peace, harmony, love, and presence – elements that are often missing from intimate relationships.
Many of us do, in fact, choose to pursue our spiritual journey with a beloved someone. Research shows that those who do seemingly experience an enhanced quality of life. The benefits of many spiritually connected couples includes: economic success, a longer lifespan, better physical health, and a more stable, productive environment for children.
But why is belief a stabilizing factor in relationships? Is there something to the notion that a “family that prays together, stays together”?
1. Spiritual connectedness increases happiness
Those who share similar spiritual beliefs often have longer relationships. In what is considered to be the first significant study associated with relationship and belief across ethnic lines, researchers concluded that a definitive link exists between a couple’s belief and the satisfaction derived from a relationship.Researchers found that about 40 percent of African-Americans, 29 percent of whites, and 29 percent of Hispanics attended religious services with their significant other on a regular basis.
Outside of the study, white couples have been recorded as having more satisfactory relationships. However, this gap narrows when taking into account religious or spiritual connection. In other words, non-whites that share a spiritual connection often have deeper relationships than Caucasians.
Bradford Wilcox, co-author and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, states: “What this study suggests is that religion is one of the key factors narrowing the racial divide in relationship quality in the United States.”
2. Spiritual couples are (emotionally) healthier
In a Columbia University study, spiritual or religious practices often thicken the brain region associated with counteracting depression.According to Lisa Miller, professor and director of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University: “The new study links this extremely large protective benefit of spirituality or religion to previous studies which identified large expanses of the cortical thinning in specific regions of the brain…at risk for major depression.”
Taking into account that depression is one of the major causes of divorce, the results of this study are immensely important. The devoted are apparently better equipped biologically to counteract the precursors of depression, which can have a positive impact on the emotional satisfaction one derives from their relationship.
3. Prayer increases commitment
Prayer seemingly increases commitment for each other. An aspect of prayer where one partner devotes time praying for the other – shows an increase in levels of commitment and relationship satisfaction.The participant groups – 316 college students and 205 married, African-American couples – demonstrated similar results in relationship commitment and satisfaction. The couples also reported feeling more confident in the stability of their relationship.
4. Spirituality = Kindness
People often use acts of kindness as a benchmark for how effective spiritual and religious practices are. This is fair, considering that many “religious” or “spiritual” people are far from what is generally considered “kind.”The same can be said for how people measure the effectiveness of spiritual or religious practice within a relationship. Do these practices make a difference in how couples treat one another? Research says “yes.”
In the Journal of Family Psychology, 164 married couples who were about to have their first child – a very stressful event – were tested to see if proclaimed spirituality had a real (non-anecdotal) effect on the relationship.
Interactions between the couples were recorded on four occasions: during late pregnancy stages, and the baby’s age at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. The couples were required to rate both their own and their partner’s spiritually intimate behaviors during these times, while giving their viewpoint on the sanctity of their marriage.
After analyzing both the behaviors and ratings of each couple, there was ‘noted positive behaviors such as mutual problem solving, asking for the other person’s point of view, affection, and shared humor.’ “Spiritual intimacy is very, very important and undeniably a construct that matters,” says Dr. Annette Mahoney, psychology professor at Bowling Green State University and the study’s lead author.
5. Spirituality relieves stress
Stress, in varying degrees, plays a role in each of our lives – work, kids, finances, family obligations, etc. Spirituality helps to relieve these stressors in a few different ways, specifically by helping you:– Connect with yourself and the world.
– Expand your support network.
– Feel a sense of purpose.
– Have a healthier life.
– Release control.
You’ll notice that each of these plays a direct role in our relationships. Health, connectedness, purpose, control, and support are all applicable in how healthy (or unhealthy) your relationships are.
More importantly, in relieving stress through spiritual or religious practices, you diminish the likelihood that stress will negatively impact your relationship. Spirituality does this by nurturing your relationship and creating a deeper understanding and appreciation of your loved one.
relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship
divorced from spiritual is body without soul.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Find Your Flow and Flourish
1. Visualize what you want your life to look like.
Before anything begins to manifest in the physical realm, you must first envision what your dream life would consist of. The idea that the reality we see every day begins as vibrational energy held at the same frequency for an extended period of time before it exists physically has been coined “The Law of Attraction.” This elusive concept seems foreign to many people, but it becomes easier to understand if you break it down in laymen terms.Basically, what you repeatedly think becomes what you repeatedly do, and all of this determines what reality you see every day. To live a life you really want, you must align your thoughts and actions with the reality you seek. The energy you put out into the world comes back to you, so make sure you pay attention to your thoughts; you’re subconsciously creating your reality at this very moment with your mind!
2. Buy a vision board and write down your goals.
Ask yourself these five questions:- What do I want to do with my life?
- What are my unique talents?
- What makes me happy?
- How can I get from where I am now to where I want to be?
- How much money do I need to live how I want to?
Now, you just need to create actionable goals with a clear timeline, work on your goals every day, and see your life vision transform into manifestation!
3. Follow the lead of the Universe
In the book “Into the Wind” by Jake Ducey, he travels the world with $8,000 and no plan other than to follow the flow, help others, and find himself. He accomplished all three of these things, but he allowed himself to be carried by the powerful jet stream of the universe, and didn’t ever doubt where it was taking him or what plans it had for him in the future. He surrendered to the natural order of the world, and tested the power of the human spirit in the process. You can do exactly what he did in your own special way, but you must believe that you came here for a purpose.The source-of-all, Spirit, God, or whatever you prefer to call it, can co-create your reality if you choose to open yourself up to infinite possibilities.
4. Limit your technology use.
Phones and computers offer great resources for learning new concepts, but spending time without it will help your creativity flourish. Technology tends to stifle inner growth because it becomes addicting after a while, and takes away our power to think and create independently. Think about it – how many times do you check emails, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter each day? Probably more than you can count, if you’re like most people.Instead of mindlessly scrolling through the social networks, use that time to cultivate your passions and work on yourself. Your life will become much more meaningful and gratifying to you once you dig deep and use your passions to create a life you truly love.
5. Get your creative juices flowing.
If you want to become an active creator in your life, rather than just a spectator, you will have to use your imagination to get things started. It might seem a little strange at first to use your creative energy, because our world runs on mostly left-brained, linear thinking. However, find an activity you enjoy that makes you come alive with boundless inventive energy, such as yoga, writing, painting, dancing, rock-climbing, or anything else you can think of. Just immerse yourself in some sort of activity that requires more doing rather than thinking. Too much thinking encourages stagnation, whereas doing inspires new ideas through movement.6. Give your mind and body adequate rest.
Working on your life requires a lot of energy, especially in the beginning, so make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night so you can recharge your batteries. Finding your flow has just as much to do with proper self-care as it does with setting intentions and taking action.For example, you could tune up your car and install the highest-powered engine in the world, but if you run your car into the ground, the engine does no good. Your body and mind need some R&R if you want them to run optimally and help you in your quest to become your best self.
7. Try things you thought you couldn’t do.
Take a speaking class, go skydiving, talk to strangers, attempt to stand on your head, or try eating totally raw foods for a week. Do things you previously thought were impossible, and make them possible. You will grow your confidence exponentially by getting uncomfortable often, and it will help you evolve creatively as well. You will begin to see the full spectrum of your potential, and develop the “yes” mentality about life that the universe has wanted you to have all along!
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