I want to thank everyone for all your kind words of congratulations for Kelsie's graduation. It was a beautiful night on Friday. The All Night Graduation Party went well too. The kids had a wonderful time and all the parents survived staying up all night. Although, I don't remember a thing of what I did Saturday...it was kind of a blur. I slept, I think I had a bowl of cereal and I think I watched the Peeble Beach golf tournament, but not so sure. When I was younger I would be fine when I pulled all nighters sewing, but this is for the birds now. My body can't take it!!
Now onto Tool Time Tuesday. My motto for Tuesdays is to "always think outside the box". However, look what was in my fortune cookie. This is so me. When I opened it at the restaurant, the family yelled out Tool Time.

So how ordinary is an ipod / cell phone holder.

This one is called icup.

It's made from a rubber foam like material and it fits in your cup holder in your car.

It has spots for your ipod, cell phone, pens and coins. Boring, right?

Well, here's the "beauty in the ordinary".

Isn't this the cutest sewing kit for traveling in the car?

The ipod spot will hold your thread. The place for the pens are great for a thimble, seam ripper and small scissors.

The slots where your coins would go are perfect for a package of needles. These are from my friend Naoko in Japan. She sent these to me when we were in a swap together. Hi, Naoko!!!
The foam material of the cup holder is also great for sticking your pins into.

The other cell phone spot is great for my reading glasses or chocolate, which ever you need more.

This works out so well in the car. Can you see I added more chocolate truffles. One dark chocolate, one milk and one white...all set to go now!

and it works well with it's other Tool Time friend...the itunes gift card note pad. It's that note pad clipped up there to the air vent. See that tutorial here.
Works in any cup holder in the car.

If you don't have cup holders on the interior of your car, you can always use a hanging holder that clips to your door.

Fits perfectly.

and look...I still haven't eaten the 3 chocolate truffles. All in the name of blogging.

I think I found this cup holder in Walmart for between $2-$4.00. Look around in automotive stores, the music areas where ipods are sold, but some are very expensive. I found this link with the exact same code that was on my label. I don't know anything about this site, but the price is great.
I'm sure there are so many different styles out there, it doesn't have to be the same. Find one that works the best for you and your sewing needs.
I'll be back on Wednesday with some pictures from this weekend.
See you soon,
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