Blogging...why do we do it? There must be hundreds of individual reasons why we each blog, but some things that come to my mind are...sharing, inspiration, connecting with others, making friends etc.
I think most of us start out in the blogging world by reading other blogs. Then we "lurk" for a while...stopping by and enjoying each post, but not really making ourselves known. Then it happens...we open a blogging account to becoming a follower on blogs and the opportunity to comment. Comments are what make the blogging world go round. Comments equal connections.
Then some of us take the next step by starting a blog. Now "WE" want the followers, the comments and the connections for our own blog. We write that first post, then the next. We share and take time...lots of time...writing tutorials, baking recipes, sharing thoughts and pictures, but we need that "connection" to others to make it all feel worth while.
About 2 weeks ago I did a post on Your Blog Likes and Dislikes...CLICK HERE if you want to read that post. It was very popular with 111 comments. I just received another comments on that post a few days ago. Most people don't go back and read comments that are left on an older post, so I wanted to share it with you today.
This comment was left by Daryl from the blog Patchouli Moon Studio. The letter that she wrote touched me so much, I emailed her and asked if I could share the comment and her blog in a post.
Here is the comment she left...
"I stumbled onto your blog and I pretty much agree with you and the comments posted about what makes a good blog. I have 2 blogs and after 5 years, I rarely received any comments at all from anyone, except a personal friend of mine, that I finally just recently turned off the comments altogether. I found it depressing that no one wanted to say anything to me at all. I see so many blogs that have so many readers that comment that I couldn't understand why I wasn't getting any,so I just decided that I was doing my blog for me first and if I had no place for comments then I couldn't get depressed about not receiving any. I do have an email button so if anyone wants to ask me something or comment that way they certainly can contact me.
I feel like I do pretty much all the right things that were mentioned by you and others on my blogs and I've done so from the start. I see blogs that are too cluttered and try to sell way too much and that is a huge turn off for me. I have no online store so I have less clutter on my blog than most blogs. So many blogs are created as a business to sell something or link to their online store and if they don't have a reason for me to return to their blog then I don't.
I had a tutorial blog that I just recently deleted too. I only did tutorials on that blog because I thought it would be a good thing. Well it was time consuming to create even the simplest tutorial, and I had so few hits on that blog after a few years, and no one made a comment that I wondered if anyone even cared at all? I decided if I wanted to do tutorials I would do them on my blog and not a separate blog as maybe that was the problem?
I find too that most people tend to be what they call "lurkers" where they visit a blog but never comment or even sign up to follow the blog. I have so few "followers" that sign up on my blogs. I know people look because of the counter I have, but I guess I don't know what makes some people follow a blog and not follow another one, except for the reasons stated by you here and by others, which like I said I feel like I have been doing all along. Oh well,I blog because I enjoy it. "
We've ALL been there at some point...waiting for a comment or a click of the follow button. What does it take? Like Daryl says..."I don't know what it takes for someone to follow a blog and not follow another one".
Sometimes I thinks it just takes a chance. A "chance" meeting of someone, a "chance" for someone else to share, a "chance" click that leads to another click and there you are on a different blog. We all just need a "chance".
Well, here's my chance to share a new blog with, so Daryl can have a chance to connect with you through her comments.
CLICK HERE to visit Patchouli Moon Studio. OMG you will not be disappointed. Daryl is a Jane of all Trades and a Master of them ALL. I went though her blog and let me tell you, she does it ALL.
She quilts...
Hand quilts
Decorates her new sewing room...
Sews beautiful bags...
Makes her own baskets...
Lots of mug rugs...
and boy does she knit!!
She MADE this!!...
and this cutie.
She even dyes her own yarn...
I could go on and on, but you will see what I mean. Fabulous!!
Go for a visit and get lost in her blog. I told her to open up her comment section again. I know all of you are the best blogging friends ever and will not disappoint.
She better get ready!! LOL
Ah, blogging. I love it. A new friend and new inspiration...nothing better!
Take care,
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