Saturday, April 21, 2012

I'm Having A Sew Sew Saturday...Curtain Redo

I sewed, I sewed!!! Still working on Kelsie's pillow, but I finished the curtain redo.

My sister gave me curtains that were 63 inches long. Knowing the curtains were too short for my windows, she thought I could use the fabric to add accessories to our family room...pillows etc.

Instead, I chopped up the curtains, made them longer and added them to my existing curtains as ascent panels.

Here's how I did it...I used 2 short panels for 1 window.

Cut each curtain in half, length wise, so you have 4 parts.

Take the left side from one panel and the right of the other panel. This way when you lengthen them, you are using the hem from one and the top of the other and the already sewn side seams match.

In the picture below, I let down the hem on the left piece and took the hanging tabs off the other.

After figuring out the length I needed, I cut the needed bottom piece to length, adding one inch for seam allowance on each piece. I gave myself one inch to make sure I had enough if I made an error in measuring.

Sew the bottom piece (with the hem) to the top piece.

Finish the long side on the left if you want. I had 6 panels to make, so I cheated and left it alone. Shhhh, don't tell!

Here's the seam. You don't even see it with the busy floral patter. The pencil is where it is.

This is my secret for attaching the accent panels to my existing curtains. I didn't want to sew them onto my curtains just in case I want to change them out. I added a few paper clamps on the back of the curtains.

Here they are. The color in this photo was all wrong for the tans, but you get the idea for the panels.

Pillows match too!

Now for all those tabs I cut off...

I use rings for the curtains. All I had were silver rings, so I need to spray paint them black to match the others.

The tabs have finished edges, so all you need to do is fold them right sides together and sew a small seam.

Now you have Napkin Rings!! I also have enough fabric left over from adding the hemmed portion to the top, that I can make placemats!

Just added more to my "To Do" list with the placemat idea :(

Hope you had a "Sew Sew Saturday",

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