Thursday, November 21, 2013

Parents Fight Continues

Who has not had a fight, argument and will not budge when he feels right. Any person young or old must have a fight. Of the sepals to the serious stuff.
The quarrel was not immune from the couple. Marriage is the union of two distinct persons, of the mindset, bred background, culture, and principles. So do not be surprised if the husband and wife often quarrel, especially in the early days of marriage. However, if you are a married couple who already have a baby, let alone still under 5 years, it's good to start reducing this habit, especially when you're with your kids.
According to Eunice Henny Wirawan, Faculty of Psychology, University of Tarumanegara, Jakarta, children often see their parents quarrel could doubt happiness and peace promised a marriage bond.
Do not be surprised if a lot lately minded not to get married, because of the trauma she experienced as a child. Some of my friends for example. In addition to the modern era and have not had the time again to marry at an early age, many of my friends share that the reason they do not want to get married because of trauma or postpone marriage would someday like her father before marriage. Dengna filled with commotion and strife.
Furthermore, the more often children see their parents fight, children will be less respect to his parents. Parents who have taught many moral values ​​of a, b, c, d, e, they themselves also were violated. Parents always teach the child to respect others, make friends with all the people, etc., but when kids see that in fact the behavior of the parents do not like what they teach, then the child will be even less respect for you as a parent.
When the child saw his father often scolded her mother, then the child will be even less respect for him, for they saw that his own father did not respect his mother.
Children, especially under 5 years easy to record and imitate what people do around it. Plus, they also have a sharper memory at that age. So if you give a bad example to your child, then they will imitate. Seringkan heard stories that scrappy kid with her, because who likes to imitate his father hit his mother? This is not the only story in soap operas, but also often occur in the real world.
Other effects, children can become more insecure. Especially when they see other families that get along and be happy. They will tend to compare it with the state of his family that there is no peace. Then they will feel insecure and embarrassed, could not even allow his play to the house. Some chose to confine himself in a room, away from the storm center, pretended not to hear and often become lazy at home.
Your child will you not experience these things? Start now more careful when sparks begin to occur that will trigger a fight with your spouse. Contention is sometimes unavoidable, but you can avoid children hear or see it, especially when they are still small.

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