Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Organizing...Keep Like Things Together

Hi to all my blogging friends. I did a post last week about spring cleaning and organizing little spots around your home...ONE PROJECT AT A TIME. Click here for that post. Why "one at a time", because if we take on too much all at once, we become over whelmed and quit.

Well, to continue on with the organizing's topic is "Keep Like Things Together". What does that mean? It means...if you keep all of the same items in the same place, you won't be pulling your hair out trying to find something or trying to explain to family where something is. "it might be in the basement or it might be in that box out in the garage or maybe under my bed." Believe me I've been there. That's why a long time ago I organized things in the same category all together so it's easy for ANYONE to find something.

I'll be sharing different corners around the house like the basement, my jewelry, sheets and blanket, DVDs etc, but today I'll show you where I keep all my candles.

This is an area near our front door. We're not a fancy house...very relaxed and casual.

This narrow buffet was from Target a long time ago. Perfect size for this area.

An old mirror from our old bedroom set, painted black. The wreath is from a thrift store...$2.00 and a crinkly ribbon from Christmas.

This is the cell phone charger spot and where my husband keeps his keys. He puts them there as soon as he walks in the door, so we never hear..."has any one seen my keys?"

I told you we're not fancy here, so thought I would zoom in on the dinks from the front door hitting the buffet...

and what the water from a plant did. That's why the phone's never see it!

Well, this post is about keeping like things together, so let's get to it. This cabinet has 2 doors hiding shelves and several drawers. Looks great by the front door, but HIDES so much inside...

Hides all these candles. You may not have to store candles, but you may have a lot of something that is scattered around your home in different spots.
Gather all the same items together, sort through them, weed out old broken ones or things you won't be using and then organize the things you will be keeping.

Tea lights and candle tarts.

Larger candles and candle trivets.

These are cheap plastic trays I've bought at Walmart over the years. They separate all the candles by color and size.
**My tip for buying plastic baskets or trays is to stick to one color. No matter where I buy them...dollar store, Walmart etc...I always buy the same color. White. That way I can use them in different places, mix and match sizes, move them around and they always match.

So what are my organizing tips so far...
  • One project at a time
  • keep like things together
  • hide things in untraditonal candles near your front door...who da thunk it!

I'm putting together more organizing tips, so stay tuned.
Have a great day,

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