Sunday, April 3, 2011

Revitalize A Wood Table...

I am spring cleaning BIG TIME. I mean every nook and cranny of every room. My motto is purge and clean, purge and clean, purge and clean...I keep saying it and it's helping. One way to get your purging and cleaning a party. We're having Easter here, so having people over always does it for me!!

Remember this post about the painted topiary? Well, the table underneath the topiary is also a project. This table is off our kitchen and it's our main place to eat...It gets a lot of wear and tear.

and here's the proof. I started to rub the Restore-A- Finish product on at the bottom of the picture. The top of the picture shows water rings, dry looking wood, scratches, something that silly putty did etc...

This is a teak wood table, so it has a natural finish. It's not polyurethaned or sealed with any thing.

This mark is what a blob of silly putty did. It just sucked the life out of the wood. LOL

Here's the after. The glare is the chandelier above...

so here's a better shot. Pretty good huh?

Here's a mark that little fingers left. Not even sure what it is.

but it's gone!!!

This is the table finished, but wet.

Just a reminder of the before...yikes!

and the after! The picture is coming off a little orange, but the wood is a darker richer color.

This is a better picture of the color of the wood under the can. This is the product that I used. It's my first time using it and it was very easy. Just rub it on with #0000 (yes, that's 4 zeros) steel wool pads in the direction of the wood grain, wipe away excess with a rag and let it dry. The directions say you can't polyurethane over it, but you can put a seal coat of wax on it. I didn't do that. This product comes in different wood colors too. (I have no affiliation with this product...just wanted to share)

If it's not spring in your corner of the world, try a little spring cleaning. It's a great feeling when you're done!

Have a great day,

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