Monday, September 5, 2011

Tool Time Tuesday...Framed Pincushion

Happy Tuesday again everyone! Tool Time is a day we make something useful out of something we aren't using, something from the recycle bin, something from the hardware store or from some other crazy place.

This Tuesday is a pincushion from an old frame!

How many old frames do we have tucked away? A lot! If you find one that you like, but it's not the right color...don't forget to paint it to match!

For this project, make sure the frames have the easel on the back so it stands up next to your sewing machine.

You will need...
  • frame with glass removed, but keep the cardboard or cut one to fit
  • piece of batting or stuffing
  • scrap fabric
  • hot glue or duct tape

You may have to trim the card board piece just a little to make room for the fabric folding over to the back side.

Cut batting to fit the size of your cardboard. I folded my batting over three times.

Stack fabric right side down, batting or stuffing and then cardboard. Fabric is about an inch larger than the cardboard all the way around.

Wrap fabric to the back and hot glue in place. You can also use duct tape too. You won't see this part at all.

All wrapped up!

Pop into frame, puffy side going towards the front.

Snap in the backing.

All set for your pins!!

Perfect next to your sewing machine for a pretty little addition.

I was thinking for the frames with several cubbies in them (like the one towards the back of the picture)...they would be great for
  • a different pincushion for different kids of pins
  • a different pincushion for all the different sized needles you have for hand sewing

I have lots of other pincushion tutorials the name below to go to each post
These would make great little gifts for sewing friends, guild meetings or sewing bee groups!!

Looks like I'm on a mission to find a million ways to make a pincushion...we'll see what's next!!

Have a great Tuesday,

ps...if you missed yesterday's post take a peek here and join "The Nester Club"

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